| 32KOmnibus
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| FPGA8i
| blog
| cables
| cad
| computerlab
| decmateI
| decmateII
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| df32emul
| documents
| dsd410
| flipchip
| frontpanel
| kc8a
| la36
| lab
| omnibus
| papertape
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| repair
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| sbc6120
| software
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| typeset
| vt78
DECUS Software Files
Here is my collection of things both DECUS and PDP-8. The intent here is to provide a home for the known surviving bits of the PDP-8 portions of DECUS. However, I haven't yet done much with the BASIC8, LINC, or PDP-12 DECUS stuff.
Part numbers have been altered slightly. "5/8-1.1" becomes "5,8-1.1" because slashes aren't valid in filenames. In some cases, trailing "a", "b", etc. have been combined into a single directory, usually because there is only a single abstract. Where the program claims to run on the PDP-5, I have added the "5," to the front, even if DECUS didn't. Likewise, if it clearly runs on the PDP-8, I have added ",8" to the name.
The usual conventions apply "-pb" are BIN files, "-pm" are RIM format, etc. In addition, ".pdf" indicates a PDF format scan of the write-up, and ".htm" indicates an HTML version of the abstract.
As usual, my thanks go out to Al Kossow, Dave Gesswein, and many others who have taken the time to scan and archive this software and documentation.
5,8-1.1 | BPAK - A Binary Input/Output Package
| |
5,8-2.1 | OPAK - An On-Line Debugging Program
| |
5,8-3 | BRL -A Binary Relocatable Loader with Transfer Vector
| |
5-4 | Octal Typeout of Memory Area with Format Option
| |
5-5 | Expanded Adding Machine
| |
5-6 | BCD to Binary Conversion of 3-Digit Numbers
| |
5,8-7 | Decimal to Binary Conversion by Radix Deflation on PDP-8
| |
5-8 | PDP-5 Floating Point Routines (Obsolete)
| |
5,8-9 | Analysis of Variance PDP-5/8
| |
5-10 | Paper Tape Reader Test
| |
5,8-11 | PDP-5 Debug System
| |
5,8-12 | Pack-Punch Processor and Reader for the PDP-5
| |
5-13 | PDP-5 Assembler (for use on IBM 7044/7094)
| |
5,8-14 | Dice Game for the PDP-5/8
| |
5,8-15 | ATEPO: Auto Test in Elementary Programming and Operation
| |
5,8-16 | Paper Tape Duplicator for the PDP-5
| |
5,8-17 | Type 250 Drum Transfer Routine for use on PDP-5/8
| |
5,8-18a | Binary Tape Disassembiy Program
| |
5,8-18b | Binary Tape Disassembler
| |
5,8-18c | Disassembler with Symbols
| |
8-19a | DDT-UP: Octal-Symbolic Debugging Program
| |
5,8-20 | Remote Operator FORTRAN System
| |
5,8-21 | Triple Precision Arithmetic Package for the PDP-5/8
| |
5,8-22 | DECtape Duplicate (552)
| |
5,8-23a | PDP-5/8 Oscilloscope Symbol Generator (4 x 6 Matrix)
| |
5,8-23b | PDP-5/8 Oscilloscope Symbol Generator (5 x 7 Matrix)
| |
5,8-24 | Vector Input/Edit (Obsolete)
| |
5,8-25 | Random Number Generator for the PDP-5/8
| |
5,8-26a | Compressed Binary Loader (CBL)
| |
5,8-26b | CBL2BN and BN2CBL
| |
5,8-26c | XCBL: Extended Memory CBL Loader
| |
5,8-26d | XCBL Punch Program
| |
5,8-27 | Bootstrap Loader and Absolute Memory Clear
| |
5,8-27a | Bootstrap Loader and Absolute Memory Clear
| |
5,8-28a | PAL III Modifications - Phoenix Assembler
| |
5,8-29 | BCD to Binary Conversion Subroutines
| |
5-30 | GENPLOT: General Plotting Subroutines for the PDP-5
| |
5-31a | FORPLOT: FORTRAN Plotting Program for PDP-5
| |
5,8-32a | Program to Relocate and Pack Programs in Binary Format
| |
5,8-33 | Tape to Memory Comparator
| |
5,8-34 | Memory Halt - A PDP-5 Program to Store HALT in Most of
| |
5,8-35 | BCD to Binary Conversion Subroutine and Binary to BCD
| |
5,8-36 | Octal Memory Dump Revised
| |
5-37 | Transfer II
| |
5,8-38 | FTYPE: Fractional Signed Decimal Type-In
| |
5,8-39 | DSDPRINT, DDTYPE: Double Precision Signed Decimal
| |
5,8-40 | ICS DECtape Routines (One-Page 552 Control)
| |
5-41 | Breakpoint
| |
5,8-42 | Alphanumeric input (Obsolete)
| |
5,8-43 | Unsigned Octal - Decimal Fraction Conversion
| |
8-44 | Modifications to the Fixed Point Output in the PDP-8
| |
5,8-45 | PDP-5/8 Remote and Time-Shared System
| |
5,8-46a | PDP-5/8 Utility Programs
| |
5,8-46b | PDP-5/8 Utility Programs
| |
8-47 | ALBIN -A PDP-8 Loader for Relocatable Binary Programs
| |
5,8-48 | Modified Binary Loader MK IV
| |
8-49 | Relativistic Dynamics
| |
5,8-50 | Additions to Symbolic Tape Format Generator (DEC-8-21-4)
| |
5,8-51 | Character Packing and Unpacking Routines
| |
8-52 | Tiny Tape Editor
| |
5,8-53 | COPCAT (DECtape Copy 552)
| |
5,8-54 | TIC-TAC-TOE Learning Program
| |
5,8-55 | PALEX -An On-Line Debugging Program for the PDP-5/8
| |
8-56 | Fixed Point Trace No. 1
| |
8-57 | Fixed Point Trace No. 2
| |
8-58 | One-Page DECtape Routine (552 Control)
| |
5,8-59 | PALDT - PAL Modifications for DEC tape (552 Control)
| |
8-60 | Square Root Function by Subtraction Reduction
| |
8-61 | Improvement to Digital 8-9-F Square Root
| |
5-63 | SBUG-4
| |
5,8-64 | DECtape Programming System (552 & TC01 Controls)
| |
8-65 | A Programmed Associative Multichannel Analyzer
| |
8-66 | Editor Modified for DECtape (552)
| |
8-67 | PAL Modified for DECtape Input (552)
| |
8-68a | LABEL for PDP-8
| |
5,8-69 | LESQ29 and LESQ11
| |
8-70 | EAE Routines for FORTRAN Operating System (DEC-08-CFA3)
| |
8-71 | Perpetual Calendar
| |
8-72 | Matrix Inversion, Real Numbers
| |
8-73 | Matrix Inversion, Complex Numbers
| |
8-74 | Solution of System of Linear Equations AX=B, by Matrix
| |
8-75 | Matrix Multiplication - Including Conforming Rectangular
| |
8-76 | PDP NAVIG 2/2
| |
8-77 | PDP-8 Dual Process System
| |
8-78 | Diagnose; A Versatile Trace Routine for the PDP-8 with EAE
| |
8-79 | TIC-TAC-TOE (Trinity College Version)
| |
8-80 | Determination of Real Eigenvalues of a Real Matrix
| |
8-81 | A BIN or RIM Format Data or Program Tape Generator
| |
8-82 | Library System for 580 Magnetic Tape (Preliminary Version)
| |
5,8-83 | Octal Debugging Package (with and without Floating Point)
| |
8-84 | One Pass PAL-III
| |
5,8-85 | Set Memory Equal to Anything
| |
8-87 | XMAP
| |
8-88 | DECtape symbolic Format Generator
| |
8-89 | XOD: Extended Octal Debugging Program
| |
8-90 | Histogram on Teletype
| |
8-91 | MICRO-8 On-line Assembler
| |
8-92 | Analysis of Pulse-Height Analyzer Test Data with a Small
| |
8-93 | CHEW - Convert Any BCD to Binary -Double Precision
| |
| |
8-94b | Patch for BLACKJACK
| |
8-95 | TRACE for EAE
| |
8-96 | J Bessel Function (FORTRAN)
| |
8-97 | GOOF
| |
8-98 | 3D DRAW for the 338
| |
8-99a | Kaleidoscope
| |
8-99b | Kaleidoscope -338
| |
8-100 | Double Precision Binary Coded Decimal Arithmetic Package
| |
8-101 | Symbolic Editor with View (338)
| |
8-102a | LISP Interpreter for the PDP-8
| |
8-103a | Four Word Floating Point Function Package
| |
8-103b | Four Word Floating Point Rudimentary Calculator
| |
8-103c | Four Word Floating Point Output Controller with Rounding
| |
8-103d | Additional Instructions for use with Four Word Floating Point
| |
8-104 | Card Reader Subroutine for the PDP-8 FORTRAN Compiler
| |
8-105 | D-BUG
| |
8-106 | Readable Punch
| |
8-107 | CHESSBOARD Display on the 338
| |
8-108 | INCMOD: Increment Mode Compiler (338)
| |
8-109 | SEETXT Subroutine (338)
| |
8-110 | DIREC: Directory Print
| |
8-111 | DISKLOOK
| |
8-112 | Sentence Generator
| |
8-113 | Conversion of Frieden (EIA) to ASCII
| |
8-114 | Rounded Decimal Output Modification for PDP-8 FORTRAN
| |
8-115a | Double Precision Integer Interpretive Package
| |
8-116 | PDP-8 Automatic Magnetic Tape Control (Type 57A)
| |
8-117 | A PDP-8 Interface for a Charged-Particle Nuclear Physics
| |
8-118 | General Linear Regression
| |
8-119 | Off-Line TIC-TAC-TOE (PAL)
| |
8-120 | Disk/DECtape FAILSAFE
| |
8-121 | DECtape Handler (552 Control)
| |
8-122a | SNAP: Simplified Numerical Analysis
| |
8-122b | SNAP: Simplified Numerical Analysis for use
with EAE
| |
8-123 | UNIDEC Assembler
| |
8-124a | PDP-8 Assembler for IBM 360/50 and above
| |
8-125 | PDP-8 Relocatable Assembler for IBM 360/50 and above
| |
5,8-126 | Cumulative Gaussian Distribution Curve Fitting
| |
8-127 | XDDT Extended Octal-Symbolic Debugging
| |
8-128 | PDP-8 Oscilloscope Display of Mathematical Functions
| |
8-129 | PDP-8/57A Magnetic Tape Program Library System
| |
8-130a | REBIL8: Relocating Binary Tape Loader for the PDP-8/S
| |
8-130b | RELCON: Binary to Relocatable Binary Tape Converter
| |
8-131 | SRCD: Software Rapid Character Display
| |
8-132 | STRIP: A Data Display & Analysis Program for the PDP-8,
| |
8-133 | First Order Kinetics
| |
8-134 | LSQ: Least Squares Subroutine
| |
8-135 | DNHELP: Directory Assistor Program
| |
8-136 | Fourier Transform Program in FORTRAN II
| |
8-137 | Programs for Storage, Manipulation and Calculation of
| |
8-138 | PAL III.5
| |
8-139 | Editor
| |
8-140 | Binary Tape Consolidator
| |
8-141 | SYSLUK
| |
8-142 | Binary Punch - Extended Memory
| |
8-143 | Fast Fourier Transform Subroutines
| |
8-144 | FFTS-C: Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine for Complex Data
| |
8-145 | A Time-of-Flight Analyzer Based on a Small On-Line
| |
8-146 | High Speed Interrupt Executive
| |
8-147 | Incremental Plotter Printout Subroutines
| |
8-148 | Plotter System
| |
8-149 | Core Window
| |
8-150 | PTOD8 High and PTOD8 Low
| |
8-151 | On-Line TIC-TAC-TOE
| |
8-152 | PDP-8 Music Program
| |
8-153 | Tape/Disk Transfer Programs
| |
8-154 | SWAP
| |
8-155 | HEP
| |
8-156 | HEPTRACE
| |
8-157 | Square Root Patch for DEC-8-5-S
| |
8-158 | AX08 Symbol Generator
| |
| |
8-160 | FASTLOAD
| |
8-161 | EXPO: A flexible PDP-8 Data-Acquisition Program
| |
8-162 | Demonstration Programs for the PDP-8
| |
8-163 | See FOCAL Section
| |
8-164 | Prime Number Determination
| |
8-165 | The PDP-8 Simulator System for Philco 212
| |
8-166 | The PDPMAP Assembly System
| |
8-167 | CIRCUITS
| |
8-168 | CalComp Plotting Package
| |
8-169 | Physical Oceanography Data Reduction Programs for the
| |
8-170 | FORTRAN Source Conversion Program
| |
8-171 | Real-Time System for Behavioral Science Experiments
| |
8-172 | Octal Systems Edit
| |
5,8-173 | TIC 5/8 (Scope Version)
| |
5,8-174 | Medium
| |
8-175 | Post Stimulus Interval Histogram for AX08
| |
8-176 | PAL CHOP
| |
8-177 | COPY
| |
8-178 | Reverse Assembler
| |
8-179 | Disassembler with Symbols, Modifications for use
without EAE
| |
8-180 | Editor and Assembler for 57A Magnetic Tape System
| |
8-181 | Automatic Binary Loader and Duplicator-Coder for Auto
| |
8-182 | Memory Compare
| |
8-183 | The WANG Loader
| |
8-184 | Page Routine
| |
8-185 | Modifications to Symbolic Editor and Symbolic Tape Format
| |
8-186 | EAE FORTRAN Patch for the PDP-8
| |
8-187 | Keyboard Controlled Binary Punch
| |
8-188 | Extended Memory Patch for Four Word Floating Point Package
| |
8-189 | LKDN: Look into the Directory Name Block
| |
8-190 | PATCH Utility Program
| |
8-191 | Fields
| |
8-192 | T.A.L.C. (Taylor's Algebraic Linear Calculator)
| |
8-193 | DISP
| |
8-194 | NMR Simulator
| |
8-195 | POLY BASIC
| |
8-196 | DET: Detect Key Words
| |
8-197 | Overlay for Standard Editor and PAL III Assembler
| |
8-198 | SYSHLP: Monitor System Utility Program
| |
8-199 | Accessing Data Arrays and Teletype Text Input/Output
| |
8-200 | BOSS
| |
8-201 | DECSW: Decimal Switch
| |
8-202 | PLOT
| |
8-203 | ALPHA
| |
8-204 | PATCH: A PDP-8 Binary Paper Tape Patch Program
| |
8-205 | MTSAFE
| |
8-206 | DUMP
| |
8-207 | Cube Root Subroutine
| |
8-208 | Evaluating Determinants
| |
8-209 | Editor-with-View (VD 8/I or 34D Scope)
| |
8-210 | A Real Time Multiple Task Executive Program with Built-in
Console Utility Package for PDP-8/S and PDP-8 Computers
| |
8-211 | Matrix Multiplication System (MMS) for Real Numbers
| |
8-212b | PALH (Modified)
| |
8-213 | ALGOL (4K Version)
| |
8-214 | DECI: A Subroutine to Output in Decimal
| |
8-215 | Hexapawn
| |
8-216 | PAL-D Patch
| |
8-217a | PALR
| |
8-217b | PALM
| |
8-217c | UTIL
| |
8-218 | Interpreter of Constitution of Coding Tables
| |
8-219 | LISS
| |
8-220 | FRACPT and TRANS
| |
8-221 | IFIX/FLOAT
| |
8-222 | Disk Memory Retention Test
| |
8-223 | Power Spectrum
| |
8-224 | PALT: Patch for Improved Text Handling for PAL-D
| |
8-225 | CR8/I Overlay for PAL III Assembler
| |
8-226 | FAILSAFE for DECtape Library System
| |
8-227 | PDP-10/8 Loader
| |
8-228 | A One-Pass Paper Tape Loader for PDP-8 Disk System (OPLOAD)
| |
8-229 | Card III Overlay
| |
8-230 | Foreground/Background/8 Now
| |
8-231 | Data Processing on the PDP-8/S
| |
8-232 | TP10
| |
8-233 | An Octal Housekeeping and Debugging Package for PDP-8
(PDP-8/I) with EAE and Disk
| |
| |
8-235 | Octal Tape Dump for PDP-8/9/10 DECtapes
| |
8-236 | System and User Files Read and Punch Program (LEES)
| |
8-237 | MADCAP IV, A Multiplexed ADC and Analog Plotting
| |
8-238 | EPRSIM, An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Simulator
| |
8-239 | PAL III/Editor 8K Link Patch
| |
8-240 | END
| |
| |
8-242 | DATAK I
| |
8-243 | Amplitude Distribution
| |
8-244 | BINSAVE
| |
8-245 | Dynamic Octal Disk Debugger
| |
8-246 | DF32 Disk Routines
| |
8-247 | HELP: A Disk/DECtape Dialogue Program
| |
8-248 | SABR - Coded Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine
| |
8-249 | Oscilloscope Vector Generator
| |
8-250 | Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
| |
8-251 | A System for Production of Problem Sets with Individualized
| |
8-252 | PEEP - A Directory Search Program
| |
8-253 | Disk Dump on Scope
| |
8-254 | Vector Algebra Package
| |
8-255 | SCED: Scope Editor for the AX08
| |
8-256 | Binary to RIM Format Converter
| |
8-257 | UCONN-EAP, Editor-Assembler
| |
8-258 | NMRCAT-29: A Simplified Signal Ave~ager Program
| |
8-259 | Symbolic from Pass 3
| |
8-260 | TOFAST -Fast Direct and Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
| |
8-261 | QUBIC
| |
8-262 | Character Overflow Change to PDP-8 PAL 3
| |
8-263 | XYPLOT - A Versatile Plot Routine for the D/A Converter
| |
8-264 | CLOK - AX08 RC Clock or External Clock Frequency or
| |
8-265 | Teletype Parity Conversion Program
| |
8-266 | IBM Editor
| |
8-267 | DARIC - Data Reduction in Columns
| |
8-268 | Miniloader and Miniloader Punch
| |
8-269 | Morse Code Trainer
| |
8-270a | Disk-DECtape Utility Program
| |
8-271 | LIP - LogicaI "if" package
| |
8-272 | IOPACK - A Message and Number 1-0 Utility Package
| |
8-273 | Algonquin Assembler
| |
8-274 | Card Reader Patch to Phoenix Assembler
| |
8-275 | Grade Compiler
| |
8-276 | Core Editor
| |
5-277 | ICBM
| |
8-278 | Single Length Floating Point Package
| |
8-279 | Bar Chart Plotting Subroutine
| |
8-280 | General Sorting Program
| |
8-281a | Binary Tape Splicer ASR 33/75A
| |
8-282 | C528: Paper Tape Conversion 5 Track (SIRIUS) to 8 Track
| |
8-283 | A.V.S.C. {Analysis of Variance, Single Classification)
| |
8-284 | ASCO - Numerical Sort in Ascending Order
| |
8-285 | Teletype Input-Output Package
| |
8-286 | Two Patches for Disassembler with Symbols
| |
8-287 | A PDP-8 Program to Provide Teletype Entry Into the IBM JET
| |
8-288 | GRAYCONV (Gray Code to Binary Code Converter)
| |
8-289 | "ULKA" The Ultimate Kaleidoscope
| |
8-290 | Skinny BIN Loader
| |
8-291 | Tape to Memory Comparitor (6-channel)
| |
8-292 | Fast Fourier Transform and Fast Walsh-Fourier Transform
| |
8-293 | Atomic Coordinate Program
| |
8-294 | Lettering Program
| |
8-295 | COMBIN
| |
8-296 | Edit Routine
| |
8-297 | TRACE
| |
8-298 | OCTMON - An Octal Monitor for the PDP-S Computer
| |
8-299 | Latency Histogram and Calculation
| |
8-300 | Noise Generator
| |
8-301 | STOR: A Store Instruction for the PDP-8 Disk Monitor
| |
8-302 | Overlay Modifications to the Floating Point System Packages,
| |
8-303 | Alterations of the Basic Floating-Point Package and
| |
8-304 | Pseudo-Noise (P-N) Sequence Test
| |
8-305 | PAL III Assembler Overlay for Card Reader Input
| |
8-306 | LDR - A One Pass Transparent Loader
| |
8-308 | PDP-8 Morse Code Sender
| |
8-309 | Patches and a Utility Program for LAB-8
| |
8-310 | BIN Punch for Extended Memory
| |
8-311 | Card to Tape Conversion with Diagnostics
| |
8-312 | DECtape Emulator
| |
8-314 | 8K FORTRAN Library CR8/I Card Reader Input Routine
| |
8-315 | Block-Modify
| |
8-316 | CORR (Compute Correlation Matrix)
| |
8-317 | EIG {Compute Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors)
| |
8-318 | PART (Partitioning of Treatment Sums of Squares)
| |
8-319 | RAND (Computation of Random Fractions)
| |
8-320 | MMMS (Calculation of Minimum, Mean, Maximum and
| |
8-321 | REG-2 (Curvilinear Regression) REG-4 (Linear Regression)
| |
8-322 | CCMP (Correlation of Components) and CVAL. (Computes
| |
8-323 | CRC (Convert Peak Heights on an Auto-Analyzer Chart to PPM
| |
8-324 | TSP - Trend Surface Plotting
| |
8-325 | SBSM - Calculation of Duplicate Sub-Samples from Primary
| |
8-326 | MLWI - Malawi Land Use Survey Analysis
| |
8-327 | CLAN (Cluster Analysis) and GRMN (Calculate Group Means)
| |
8-328 | NNAN (Nearest Neighbor Analysis) - OREG (Orthogonalized
| |
8-329 | TSS/8 FOCARL
| |
8-330 | TSS/8 ALGOL
| |
8-331 | Roulette
| |
8-332 | The Civil War Game
| |
8-333 | 8K PAL-D Assembler for 4K Disk Monitor System
| |
8-334 | KVEDIT
| |
8-335 | COLPAC
| |
8-336 | DECtape Library System Modifications
| |
8-337 | DIBOL II Software System
| |
8-338 | BIN and CBL Loader
| |
8-339a | PST (Post Stimulus Time) and Latency Histogram for the LAB-8
| |
8-339b | Time Interval Histogram Program
| |
8-340 | The Auto and Cross-Correlation Program for the LAB-8
| |
8-341 | LISP-8
| |
8-342 | STAP-8; Spike Train Analysis Program
| |
8-343 | Radial Interface Including Interrupt Mask for the PDP-8 or
| |
8-344 | Toledo Extended Memory Binary Punch
| |
8-345 | EDIT-PAL
| |
8-346 | Pollution Game
| |
8-347 | DUBAVG
| |
8-348 | Mini Binary Punch
| |
8-349 | Octal Debugging Technique with View
| |
8-350 | Wilcoxon-White Two Sample Rank Test
| |
8-351 | ComB IN Loader
| |
8-352 | Parity Hi-Lo Loader
| |
8-353 | Disk Monitor Patch for BLACKJACK (DECUS NO. 8-94A)
| |
8-354 | Pass 3 ASR33 Format Overlay
| |
8-355 | PAL III.75
| |
8-356 | Page Printer
| |
8-357 | ISOMER - Interactive Study of Organic Molecules by
| |
8-358 | Card Reader Patch
| |
8-359 | Hi-Q Game Playing Program
| |
8-360 | ASCII to Friden (EIA)
| |
8-361 | Game of Chance
| |
8-362 | IOFMAG
| |
8-363 | DATOUT: A Simple Routine for Printing Sequential Data as
| |
8-364 | Extended Memory Patch to the 3-Word Floating Point
| |
8-365 | CARD
| |
8-366 | Modified Readable Punch
| |
8-367 | Digital 8-12-U Modified
| |
8-368 | Tri-Data CartriFile PAL III Assembler
| |
8-369 | Tri-Data CartriFile DEC Editor
| |
8-370a | FBUILD
| |
8-370b | DISK
| |
8-371 | Teletype Control of ND 50/50 Memory Unit (TYPED)
| |
8-372 | ML Editor (Machine Language Editor)
| |
8-373 | LISP Disk Array
| |
8-374 | Binary or RIM Consolidator
| |
8-375a | Three Page Floating Point Package
| |
8-375b | 3 Page Floating Point Package with Floating Output
| |
8-376a | Field l Symbol Tobie Storage for PALD (DEC-D8-ASAA-LA)
| |
8-376b | Field l Symbol Table Storage for PALD (DEC-08-ASAC-LA)
| |
8-377 | One Pass Assembler
| |
8-378 | Map Directory Information on KV8/I
| |
8-379a | Double Precision and Floating Point Interchanger
| |
8-380 | WATSNU
| |
8-381 | Cardreader Subroutine for Disk Editor
| |
8-382 | Readable High Speed Punch Copier
| |
8-383a | Scan and Analysis Program
| |
8-383b | Core Display Program
| |
8-383c | Drawing Applications Program
| |
8-384 | BLOK
| |
8-385 | Mixed ASCII Formatting and Outputting Technique
| |
8-386 | Multiple Field Loader
| |
8-387 | Grade Point Correlation
| |
8-388 | CALENDAR
| |
8-389 | Mini-Monitor, A Secondary Disk Monitor for the PDP-8
| |
8-390 | PALEDCO (PAL Assembler and Editor Combined)
| |
8-391a | 7 or 9-Track MTA for PS/8 with TC58/TU-20
| |
8-392 | Vector-8
| |
8-393 | Queing TC01/TU55 DECtape Routines
| |
8-394 | BASIC MOO
| |
8-395 | Space War
| |
8-396 | MTS-6/70 (Millisecond Time-Sharing System)
| |
8-397 | 8K Editor
| |
8-398 | IMAGE
| |
8-399 | 8K FORTRAN Bit Manipulation Subroutines
| |
8-400 | Execute Slow
| |
8-401 | Dice Game and TIC-TAC-TOE
| |
8-402 | Resequence
| |
8-403 | Stereo -A 2 Channel Music Program
| |
8-404 | Octal MEM Dump -Extended Memory
| |
8-405 | SOOT
| |
8-406 | STATPAC Revisions for PDP-8/I and TSS/8
| |
8-407 | Patch to Editor (DISK) DEC-D8-ESAD-PB
| |
8-408 | Disk Utility Program
| |
8-409 | Card loader
| |
8-410 | Pseudo-Random Number Generator, EAE Version
| |
8-411 | Mongoose Display System
| |
8-412 | MRS X
| |
8-413 | GROPE III/A and BINlOC
| |
8-414 | LIST
| |
8-415 | Multiple Unit DECtape Copier
| |
8-416b | Bibliographical Handling
| |
8-417 | XCORE
| |
8-418 | VEKSEL and PAPT
| |
8-419 | Nmr - Pulse for the Lab-8/I
| |
8-420 | LOGSIM-8
| |
8-421 | Chain Load
| |
8-422 | Binary Punch - Extended Memory II
| |
8-423 | Disk Editor With View for LAB-8
| |
8-424 | Morse Code
| |
8-425 | Block-Modify for PS/8
| |
8-426 | Prime Number Generator
| |
8-427 | MEMO - A Text Formatting Program
| |
8-428a | EAE-Modification to DECUS NO. 8-143, FFTS-R
| |
8-428b | EAE - Modification to DECUS NO. 8-144, FFTS-C
| |
8-429 | Intercorrelation 37
| |
8-430 | DECK: A Random Deck of Cards
| |
8-431 | 8/I LAB Data System
| |
8-432 | Triple Precision Integer Package
| |
8-433 | Extensions to "LIBRA-FOCAL"
| |
8-434.1 | Data System for Magnetic Scanning Mass Spectrometers
| |
8-434.2 | Data System for Magnetic Scanning Mass Spectrometers
| |
8-434.3 | Data System for Magnetic Scanning Mass Spectrometers
| |
8-434.4 | Data System for Magnetic Scanning Mass Spectrometers
| |
8-434.5 | Data System for Magnetic Scanning Mass Spectrometers
| |
8-434.6 | Data System for Magnetic Scanning Mass Spectrometers
| |
8-434.7 | Data System for Magnetic Scanning Mass Spectrometers
| |
8-435 | RECOVER
| |
8-436 | EAE - Simulator
| |
8-437 | Computer Dating Game
| |
8-438 | DF-32/Sykes Swap
| |
8-439 | MOVE
| |
8-440 | PIPL
| |
8-441 | DELETE
| |
8-442 | "The BYU Boob Tube"
| |
8-443 | Keyboard Test Tape for Hot Metal Linecasters with TTS
| |
8-444 | COREMAP
| |
8-445 | FYLHLP -PS/8 File Utility Program
| |
8-446 | FFTS-R Patch for Use Without EAE
| |
8-447 | Roots of a Polynomial by Muller's Method
| |
8-448 | CORDMP - Formatted Octal Dump
| |
8-449a | A Magtape Handler for the PDP-8/TU20
| |
8-449b | LPTQUE - A PT08 to A. B. Dick Line Printer Utility Program
| |
8-449c | TALK10 - A PDP-8/PDP-10 Utility-Loader
| |
8-449d | Buffered I/O Subroutines for the PDP-8
| |
8-450 | PS/8 Editor With Display for KV8/I (Overlay)
| |
8-451 | PS/8 Handler for KV/8 Vector Display
| |
8-452 | ANSAM (Analog Sampling)
| |
8-453 | Rapid Alert Program (RAP)
| |
8-454 | Radio Teletype to ASCII
| |
8-455 | CRTPAC
| |
8-456a | PIP "AH"
| |
8-456b | BUILD "AH"
| |
8-457 | DTFIX
| |
8-458 | VW - Field Independent I/O Handler for Disk and TTY
| |
8-459 | TAYEX - Taylor Expansion Equation Solver
| |
8-460 | TT89 - Tape Transfer PDP-8 to PDP-9
| |
8-461 | COPY10 - PDP-10 DECtape Program for the PDP-8
| |
8-462 | INSTIN
| |
8-463 | Perpetual Calendar (BASIC Version)
| |
8-464 | TR02 Magnetic Tape Device Handler for PS/8
| |
8-465 | The SKED Software System
| |
8-466 | RL Monitor System (WCFMPG Version)
| |
8-466a | RL Monitor System (WCFMPG Version)
| |
8-466b | RL Monitor Subsystems
| |
8-466c | Listing Utility Programs
| |
8-466d | RL Monitor System Utilities
| |
8-466e | DECtape Utility Programs
| |
8-466f | PAL III Modified for RL Monitor
| |
8-466g | POLY SNOBOL
| |
8-466h | POLY LISP
| |
8-466i | FOCAL Modified for RL Monitor
| |
8-467a | BINREAD (Revised Version)
| |
8-468 | DIPDUB, A Dual-Independent Parameter, Double-Precision
| |
8-469 | Top Secret
| |
8-470 | ODT-11 (High) Modified
| |
8-471 | Verify Paper Tape (12K)
| |
8-472 | PS8IN, PS8OUT
| |
8-473 | Three Utility Routines for PS/8
| |
8-474 | EXIT PS/8
| |
8-475 | PIPQ
| |
8-476 | PS/8 LOG Command
| |
8-477 | RIBIER - A Program for the PDP-8/I Enabling the Transition
| |
8-478 | Monitor Command Extensions in PS/8
| |
8-479 | PDP-8/E Instruction Simulators for Other PDP-8's
| |
8-480a | Two Subroutines for 8K FORTRAN
| |
8-481a | MERGE
| |
8-482 | Patch to High ODT (DEC-08-COC2-PB)
| |
8-483 | GRFIT, A Simple Least Squares Routine
| |
8-484 | RESTore for the RK08
| |
8-485 | Geometric Data Truncation for Fourier Transform Programs
| |
8-486 | SEGAR 7: A Seven Segment Array for Alphanumeric
| |
8-487 | Revised Octal Memory Dump
| |
8-488 | NEWPAGE
| |
8-489 | SUBSET, lnterger Compiler and Operating System
| |
8-490 | Tape Alteration Program
| |
8-491 | Indexed Floating Point Math Subroutines for PDP-8/E
| |
| |
8-493 | Line to Block Conversion
| |
8-494 | Translate Arabic Into Roman Numerals
| |
| |
8-496 | UTR7: A 7-track Magnetic Tape Reading Utility
| |
8-497 | 8BAL PDP-8 Macro Language, Version 4
| |
8-498 | Unencoded Incremental Plotter Subroutine
| |
8-499 | High Speed Reader Patch for Lo Speed Macro-13
| |
8-500 | DUMP8
| |
8-501 | Galactic Coordinates
| |
8-502 | Interrupt Duplicator for Binary Object Tapes
| |
8-503 | MACRO-8X: 8K Extended MACRO-8 Assembler
| |
8-504a | ESI (Engineering and Scientific Interpreter)
| |
8-504b | ESIX - Extended ESI
| |
8-504c | ESI Demonstration Programs
| |
8-505 | BIN-CBL Extended Memory Loader
| |
8-506 | Load Areas
| |
8-507 | EEPP (Editor Even Parity Punch)
| |
8-508 | TSUTIL - A Utility-Diagnostic Program for TSS-8
| |
| |
8-510 | P8COR - Overlay for 8K PAL-D Assembler for 4K Disk
Monitor System (DECUS NO. 8-333)
| |
8-511 | FPAK-4 Interrupting Floating Point Package
| |
8-512 | Modified Binary Loader
| |
8-513 | DEBUG 8
| |
8-514 | Alpha-Numeric Display Program
| |
8-515 | Program to Mate PAL III With Symbolic Editor
| |
8-516 | Self-Starting PS/8 Loader
| |
8-517 | Bowling League Results, Standings and Averages Program
| |
8-518 | PS/8 FORTRAN Alphabetical Sort
| |
8-519 | MACRO-8 Pass 3 Output Format Patch
| |
8-520 | PEST/WALD/PINIT: Adaptive Psychophysics Testing Package
| |
8-521 | A CLOCK
| |
8-522 | 'PAGEIT'
| |
8-523 | MDT - A Mini Debugging Technique
| |
8-524 | GRNDYE 1970 - A Program to Estimate Cardiac Output OffLine
| |
| |
8-526 | PROCAL 10/71
| |
8-527 | XDDT8E
| |
8-528 | TIC-TAC-TOE: Modifications to TIC 5/8, DECUS NO. 8-173
| |
8-529 | OSCAR: An Operating System for Computerized Animal
| |
8-530 | 8BALIB Macro Library Generator
| |
8-531a,b | 'TRIPLE' - 36 Bit PDP-8/E Simulator and 'TRIPLE' 8BAL Macros
| |
8-532 | OPDDT (One Page DDT)
| |
8-533 | "WHERE"
| |
| |
8-535 | BINARY PUNCH FOR PDP-8/E WITH 2 TTY's (or with high
| |
8-536 | Advanced Averager Improvement
| |
8-537 | Talking Eights
| |
8-538 | Integer IOH for FORTRAN Library
| |
8-539 | TD8E 4K Loader
| |
8-540a | BRAILLE-8
| |
8-540b | BPRINT
| |
8-541 | Cassette Utility Program and PALC
| |
8-542 | Radioactive Decay
| |
8-543 | TS8REV - Reverse Assembler for TSS/8
| |
8-544 | CHECK and CHANGE-D
| |
8-545 | PIF (Program Interrupt Facility for 3 TTY's)
| |
8-546 | DETEF - DECtape File-Handling System
| |
8-547 | Advanced Averager Program (Rotterdam Version)
| |
8-548 | Links to Page Routine
| |
8-549 | Polynomial Least Squares Fit
| |
8-550 | Modified Matrix Inversion - Real Numbers
| |
8-551 | COMBO
| |
8-552 | Storage Display Device Handler
| |
8-553 | Big Brother II
| |
8-554 | ANOVA and DUNCAN
| |
8-555 | MULTC Multiple Correlation Program
| |
8-556 | CHISQ Chi Square Program
| |
8-557 | CLUSTR: Cluster Analysis Program
| |
8-558 | CORREL Correlation Program and PCOMP-
VARMX Factor Analysis Program
| |
8-559 | CUBIC - A Digital Program for On-Line Differentiation of
| |
8-560 | SAM-1
| |
8-561 | Revised HELP Loader for High Speed Reader and New BIN Loader
| |
8-562 | DISORT
| |
8-563 | TAPE
| |
8-564 | A Statistical System in PS/8
| |
8-565 | RENUM - Renumbering Program for BASIC Tapes
| |
8-566 | PARTL
| |
8-567 | EXPO
| |
8-568 | CFI - Continued Fraction Inversion
| |
8-569 | FLIT Assembler
| |
8-570 | BIN4SV
| |
8-571 | INPUT, OS/8 Version
| |
8-572 | Combination Lettering and Duplicator-Coder Program
| |
8-573 | EDITS - A PS/8 Editor for Non-storage Scope Display
| |
8-574 | TD8E System Handler for 8K PS/8
| |
8-575 | EAE Overlay for Four-Word Floating Point Package Multiply
| |
8-576 | LOCAL PAL8: LPAL8.SV
| |
8-577a | Tape Duplicator (P.D.T.)
| |
8-578 | Chromaticity Diagram
| |
8-579 | LISTIT
| |
8-580 | Decimal to Floating Point Conversion
| |
8-582 | Random Number Generator Adapted for 8K FORTRAN/SABR
| |
8-583 | BASOVR - 8K BASIC Overlay for PDP-8/S
| |
8-584 | PRECIS, A Program to Scan a Binary Tape
| |
| |
8-586 | XDIREC, OS/8 - PS/8 Selective Directory Listing
| |
8-587 | FORTRAN-D 4K Overlayings to Chain Programs
| |
8-588 | PEEK, A User Program to Look at the TSS/8 Monitor
| |
8-589a | BOOTST, Universal OS/8 (PS/8) Bootstrap
| |
8-590 | Matrix Inversion
| |
8-591 | Pulmonary Resistance
| |
8-592 | Printer Test Program
| |
8-593 | Tri-Data Paper Tape PAL III Assembler
| |
8-594 | FP8: Floating Point Arithmetic Software for DEC PDP-8 Series Computers
| |
8-595 | UPDATE: A Program to Make Corrections to a
File Containing Records of Variable Length
| |
8-596 | Multilength Routines
| |
8-597 | N. I. H. OS/8 Package
| |
8-598 | CRT: An OS/8 Handler for Tektronix 611 Storage Scope
| |
8-599 | DIBILD: Directory Rebuilder for PS/8 or OS/8
| |
8-600 | EXPIP: Extensions PIP
| |
8-601 | OASIS
| |
8-602a | The PDP-8 Cookbook, Volume 1
| |
8-602b | PDP-8 Cookbook, Volume 2
| |
8-603 | PATPST: Patch for DEC-LAB-8/E Post-Stimulus-TimeHistogram
| |
8-604 | GET Command for the Disk/DECtape
Monitor System
| |
8-605 | ADUMP8
| |
8-606b | PIPll DOS-ll Format DECtape Utility
| |
8-607 | CALCU1
| |
8-608 | FUTIL: OS/8 File Utility
| |
8-609 | OCOMP: Octal Compare and Dump
| |
8-610 | INVENT-8
| |
8-611 | SLED: Source and Listing Editor
| |
8-612 | ELAN - Elementary Linguistic Analysis
| |
8-613 | Interconversion Between A/D Floating Point and D/A Formats
| |
8-614 | Clock Calibration
| |
8-615 | FTMULT: EAE Multiplicadon for 8K FORTRAN
| |
8-616 | Octal Character Equivalent
| |
8-617 | V.A. PKS.-l and V.A. PKS.-2, Real Time G. C. Data
| |
8-618 | OS/8 Device Handlers for the 57A Magnetic Tape Control
| |
8-619 | FORTRAN-Callable Scope Subroutines for the KV8/VT01
| |
8-620 | PHA-8 Data Acquisition System
| |
8-621 | Gray Code Conversion Package
| |
8-622 | KV8/I-VT01 Device Handler
| |
8-623 | PAGER
| |
8-624 | DUMP and LOAD, TSS/8
| |
8-625 | Floating Integer Functions for use with 8K FORTRAN
| |
8-626 | Automated Electrooculography
| |
8-627 | TEXPAK: Program to Convert a Line of Text to
Packed Octal Format
| |
8-628 | LISP 1.5 Interpreter for PDP-8 with OS/8
| |
8-629 | Graphing Subroutines for 8K FORTRAN Programs
| |
8-630 | Pulmonary Function Laboratory Programs
| |
8-631 | MINT: Multiple Precision Integer Arithmetic Subroutine
| |
8-632 | RWDF32
| |
| |
8-634 | MOVE
| |
8-635 | PAL12D
| |
8-636 | BEST: Binary to Symbolic Traductor
| |
8-637 | A Flexible Data Buffer Display Routine for LAB-8 Systems
| |
8-638 | GEOMAS
| |
8-639 | OS/8 DISASM
| |
8-640 | OS/8 EDIT PLUS
| |
8-641 | OS/8 FORMAT
| |
8-642 | AUTOCO - Autocorrelation for Poor People (Without EAE)
| |
8-643 | LIFE
| |
8-644 | MINMON-TD8E DECtape Minimonitor
| |
8-645 | Interfacing the PDP-8 to the Printec-100 Line Printer
| |
8-646 | DECsystem-8
| |
8-647 | FULMIX - Complete Permutation Program
| |
8-648 | LOGMIN: Logic Minimization Program
| |
8-649 | QPIP - OS/8 Directory Editing Program
| |
8-650 | AMIPED: Automated Medical Interview With
Pediatric Data Files
| |
8-651 | SOLMT (Sort Overlay Listings Using Magnetic Tape)
| |
8-652 | Regression Analysis Package
| |
8-653 | MTAPER: 8K Magtape Monitor (TR05-A
Interface) and 8K FORTRAN I/O
| |
8-654 | Cabrillo Test Grader
| |
| |
8-656 | SELFDRILL: The Sloan Selfdrill Program
| |
8-657 | A File Structured Disk Writing Routine and Helpers
| |
8-657a | INPUT, A Neurophysiological Data Collecting Program
| |
8-657b | DSKFIL: A File Structured Disk Writing Routine and Helpers
| |
8-657c | TR: A Binary to ASCII Translator
| |
8-658 | Extended Double Precision Interpretive Package
| |
8-659 | VT05
| |
8-660 | STAT, Version: August 1976
| |
8-661 | LESQ, General Non-Linear Least Squares
| |
8-662 | UNDEFSYBLIST - Undefined Symbol List
| |
8-663 | REPROD - Read, Punch and Verify Product
| |
8-664 | FREQHS - A Subroutine to Generate a Frequency Histogram
| |
8-665 | INTVAL - A Subroutine to Measure Inter-Event Intervals
| |
8-666 | NORDER: A Subroutine to Generate nth Order
Histograms from Inter-Event Intervals
| |
8-667 | LABLDP: A TSS/8 Tape Labeling Program
| |
8-668 | RAW: A Reverse Assembler of Windsor
| |
8-669 | BIOLSD: Antibiotic Assay Using Latin Square Design
| |
8-670 | Plotting Package for OS/8 FORTRAN IV
| |
8-671 | Restoring Symbolprint
| |
8-672 | XCBL and XBIN Loader
| |
8-673 | Random Number Generators for Use With
FORTRAN or SABR Programs
| |
8-674 | External - Or RC - Clock (AX08) Calibration
| |
8-675 | INDUMP: Input Dump
| |
8-676 | MACRO-8 Patch to Move DELETE Routine
| |
8-677 | STAR PIP
| |
8-678 | Routine to Expand and Modify the DEC Floating Point Package
| |
8-679 | MAPPER
| |
8-680 | WLSHTR: A Fast Walsh Transform Subroutine
for Real Valued Functions
| |
8-681 | CASE: Carleton Symbolic Editor
| |
8-682 | SCPSYS (Scope System)
| |
8-683 | BNLOAD, TSS/8 Binary Loader
| |
8-684 | IJPA: Injection Patcher
| |
8-685 | DPSQRT: Double Predsion Square Root for PDP-8
| |
8-686 | Bowling League Results, Standings and Averages
| |
8-687 | GOLF
| |
8-688 | FOOTBALL
| |
8-689 | UFDSPY: A TSS/8 Line-Printer UFD Dump Program
| |
8-690 | RANDU
| |
8-691 | ACCK Timeshare Accounting System
| |
8-692 | OLEVX AND OLEVAX: 4-ChanneI Averager
and Analysis System
| |
8-693 | A Programmed Learning Course in Boolean Algebra
| |
8-694 | Teletype Line Printer Emulator Handler for OS/8
| |
8-695 | Real Time Display Processor for a KV8 Graphic System and
| |
8-696 | DECTYP: One-Word Signed Decimal Print
| |
8-697 | DDTSS8: DECtape Dump for Time Shared System-8
| |
8-698 | TEKLIB: A Series of OS/8 FORTRAN II
Callable Subroutines for the Tektronix 4010
| |
8-699 | MPS External Event Common Routines
| |
8-700 | XSTOCK: Stockmarket Simulation Game, Version: December 1973
| |
8-701 | STKMKT: Stock Market Game, Version: March 1974
| |
8-702 | COGO-8
| |
8-703 | AMORT: Incremental Amortization Schedule
| |
8-704 | ANOV1: Analysis of Variance, Unequal N
| |
8-705 | ARNORM: Area Under Normal Curve
| |
8-706 | BITSET
| |
8-707 | CRSTAB: Cross Tabulation Program
| |
8-708 | EMLP: Emory Linear Programming Package
| |
8-709 | FINCA: A Computer Program for Financial
Statement Analysis
| |
8-710 | MULTS: Multiple Regression Program
| |
8-711 | Microprocessor Cross Reference Program for OS/8
| |
8-712 | IRSPEC: Calculation "On Line" of Far Infrared Spectra by Fourier Transform
| |
8-713 | Plotting Subroutines for OS/8 FORTRAN II
| |
8-714 | PDPLST: PDP-8 - IBM 360/370 Cross Listing Program
| |
8-715 | FORTRAN IV Graphics Subroutines
| |
8-716 | Bowling League Tabulator, Version: May 1974
| |
| |
8-718 | NSD: Nominal Standard Dose
| |
8-719 | OS/8 Software for a TC58 Magtape Control
| |
8-720 | LSTDMP: Binary Tape Dump/Lister
| |
8-721 | LISP-8K
| |
8-722 | Mini-Copy
| |
8-723 | COMP.FT: Function Compare
| |
8-724 | Computer Catalog System
| |
8-725 | The Pipe Stress Problem on a PDP-8/F
| |
8-726 | OS/8 Handler for the Varian Statos 21 Line Printer
| |
| |
8-728 | MEND
| |
8-729 | DS340 DEMO Package
| |
8-730 | CORVU: A Display and Teletype Input/Output Program
| |
8-731 | MEMO IV
| |
8-732 | BAVIRF: A Virtual File UDEF for OS/8 BASIC
| |
8-733 | RJE System for PDP-8/E (IBM 2780 Emulator)
| |
8-734 | Microprocessor Language Assembler for OS/8
| |
8-735 | DSP8: Diagnostic Support Package for the PDP-8
| |
8-736 | Paper Tape Reader-Printer
| |
8-737a | Four Word Floating Point Package for MPS
| |
8-737b | Four Word Floating Point Functions For MPS
| |
8-737c | Rudimentary Calculator for MPS Four Word Floating Point
| |
8-738 | The Business Management Laboratory
| |
8-739 | COPY.PA
| |
8-740 | Theorem Prover for the Propositional Calculus
| |
8-741 | SD8SY and SD8X: Two Handlers for the TD8E Simple DECtape
| |
8-742 | CLOCK: A Real-Time Clock/Calendar Routine
| |
8-743a | FILFIX: TSS/8 File Structure Repairing and
Restructuring Program
| |
8-744 | TSTCDR: TSS/8 Card Reader Diagnostic
| |
8-745 | LEP: linear, Exponential and Power Function Curve Fit
| |
8-746 | Device Handler for Tektronix 611 Storage Scope
| |
8-747 | STAGE2 Macro Processor
| |
8-748 | SM04 - OS/8 to Disk—Monitor ASCII File Converter
| |
8-749 | UFAXOS: A LAB-8 (AX08) Set of User-Defined-
Functions for OS/8 BASIC
| |
8-750 | Paper Tape Display
| |
8-751 | FORTRAN IV for OS/8 FORTRAN II Users
| |
8-752 | MIG8E2: Monitor of Interruptions Which are
Generated by the PDP-8/E Peripherals
| |
8-753 | OS/8 System Output Handlers
| |
8-754 | NUMBER and REDATE-OS/8 File Utility Programs
| |
8-755 | OCTYPE - Octal Memory Dump
| |
8-756 | ASCON: ASCII File Converter
| |
8-757 | OS/8 Utility Package
| |
8-758 | Super Hardware Bootstrap Code for the TC08/TC01 on an MI8E
| |
8-759 | USLIBA: FORTRAN II Subroutines for Binary Data Transfer
| |
8-760 | FASTAD: User Oriented Data Collection on One A/DC Channel
| |
8-761 | WDATA: Subroutine to Write Absolute Binary Data on SYS-Device
| |
8-762 | TIYIO: I/O Routines for Teletype or Similar Terminal
| |
8-763 | KLSTST: KLS/E, KLS/J Diagnostic
| |
8-764 | LIST
| |
8-765 | DUMPOS: Dumps OS/8 ASCII Files
| |
8-766 | SIMBA: A PDP-8/E Oscilloscope Symbol Generator
| |
8-767 | unknown
| |
8-768 | EDAS: Editing and Assembling System
| |
8-769 | SELFDR: The Selfdrill Program, 8K Version
| |
8-770 | MOSS: 4K TD8E DECtape System
| |
8-771 | PRGSCH: TSS/8 Program Searcher
| |
8-772 | OS/8 Compatible VC8-E Handler for Mass Storage Systems
| |
8-773 | Graphics Package for the Tektronix 4010 Under OS/8
| |
8-774 | Simple ASCII Editor and Tape Reproducer
| |
8-775 | COPIER
| |
8-776 | unknown
| |
8-777 | unknown
| |
8-778 | PFCF: Polynomial Function Curve Fitting
| |
8-779 | TC58.PA: OS/8 Version III Device Handler for TC58 Magtape
| |
8-780 | SPLIT and SPLICE
| |
8-781 | DOCRLN: A Subroutine to Calculate Polarity-
Quantized Autocorrelograms
| |
8-782 | DEVHND: Device Handler for Storage Scope
Using AX08 (LAB-8) as Controller
| |
8-783 | EDI1V: Edit-With-View on AX08 (LAB-8) for
OS/8 Editor Version III
| |
8-784 | TSS/8 TTRACE and TSS/8 LTRACE
| |
8-785 | GPATCH
| |
8-786 | TSS/8 FORMAT
| |
8-787 | LISZ - An Extended ISZ Instruction for the PDP-8/L
| |
8-788 | Using the RAR RAL Micro-Instruction as an Auxiliary
| |
8-789 | RKCOPY
| |
8-790 | CHRDIS - Display Alphanumeric Characters on ND-50/50
| |
8-791 | DELAY
| |
8-792 | PROVE-8, V.03
| |
8-793 | RANF: A Pseudo-Random Number Generator for OS/8 FORTRAN IV
| |
8-794 | IFAC: A FORTRAN Program for Parameter Estimation
| |
8-795 | RINROT: A Roll-in, Roll-out Program
| |
8-796 | Five Word Floating Point Package for PDP-8
| |
8-797 | LSPCF: Least Squares Polynomial Curve Fitting Program
| |
8-798 | OS/8 to RSTS Interface
| |
8-799 | Dose Calculation of Irregular Fields
| |
8-800 | Heat Loss Calculation
| |
8-801 | MORSE: Morse Code Coder and Decoder
| |
8-802a | SSP: Scientific Subroutine Package
| |
8-802b | SSP: Double Precision without Comments
| |
8-802c | SSP: Complete Package with Fully Commented Sources
| |
8-803 | FOLMAT
| |
8-804 | MUSIC: PDP-8 Music Playing Program
| |
8-804.1 | The Entertainer
| |
8-804.2 | Love Will Keep Us Together
| |
8-804.3 | Minute Waltz
| |
8-804.4 | Bach, Inventions
| |
8-805 | PTRP.PA: RTS Handler Task for High Speed
Paper Tape Reader and Punch
| |
8-806 | SACS: Simulation of an Analogue Computer
| |
8-807 | UTILITY Routine and Patches for the FORTRAN Compiler
Dr. IR. L. Boullart
| |
8-808 | Probability Density Functions of Analogue
Signals with the LAB-8 System
| |
8-809 | FFT or IFFT of an Analogue Signal with the LAB-8 System
| |
8-810 | PING: Ping-Pong Game on Display
| |
| |
8-812 | CASINO: Sykes Cassette Input/Output
| |
| |
8-814 | PROCES: An Image Processing Program for the PDP-8E
| |
8-815 | BINPUN: OS/8 Binary Punch from Core Image Files
| |
8-816 | PLOT, KPLOT: FORTRAN Callable Plotting
Subroutines for Scope and Incremental Plotter
| |
8-817 | LABCOL I: Laboratory Control and Automation Language
| |
8-818 | SYKBOOT
| |
8-819 | PAL 8 X 2
| |
8-820 | WIPE: TSS/8 User Directory Cleaner
| |
8-821 | SPASTIC IV
| |
8-822 | CHEKMO II: Chess Playing Program
| |
8-823 | DDTG: Real Time Picture Processor Monitor-Debugger
| |
8-824 | LABL: Legible Leader Handler for OS/8
| |
8-825 | ALPHA.SV: Sort OS/8 Directories
| |
8-826 | Program System to Analyze Analogue Signals
with the LAB-8 System
| |
8-827 | DDCMP: Half-Duplex Subset of Digital Data
Communications Message Protocol
| |
8-828 | OS/8 FORTRAN-IV Routines
| |
8-829 | Improved Mini Debugging Technique
| |
8-830 | CASTOR: Sykes Cassette Editor
| |
8-831 | BLKPIP: OS/8 Transfer Program for Flies and Blocks
| |
8-832 | IPSLAV: Slave Program, and DB8E Interprocessor Buffer Handler
| |
8-833 | VT50 CURSOR MOVE
| |
8-834 | LIB8X: FORTRAN II EAE Library
| |
8-835 | unknown
| |
8-836 | unknown
| |
8-837 | QUICKPOINT-8: Numerical Control System
| |
8-838a | unknown
| |
8-838b | unknown
| |
8-838c | unknown
| |
8-839 | PALLUX: Sykes Cassette PAL III Assembler
| |
8-840 | COCAS: Sykes Copy Cassette
| |
8-841 | CHRFSB: FORTRAN II ASCII Character
Subroutine (File name CHRFSB)
| |
8-842 | DIRECT: OS/8 Directory Listing Program
| |
8-843 | SDBOOT: A Short Bootstrap for a non-OS/8
Sykes 7100 Floppy Disk System
| |
8-844 | FLIST: OS/8 FORTRAN IV: Listings without Recompiling
| |
8-845 | VIRCOP: OS/8 System Creation and File Copy Utility Programs
| |
8-846 | unknown
| |
8-847 | VC8E-TV: HANDLER for a Storage Scope
| |
8-848 | LPTSPL: A Lineprinter Spooler for the OS/8 "PRINT" CUSP
| |
8-849 | MAGIO: A PDP8/e File Based Magtape Utility
| |
8-850 | USR And other Special Purpose Subroutines for
| |
8-851 | unknown
| |
8-852 | FORTRAN II Library Subroutines
| |
8-853 | unknown
| |
8-854 | LOG: Log and disk. partition assignment program
| |
8-856 | CONVRT: 4K Disk Monitor to PS/8 File Conversion
| |
8-857 | Semi-Automadc Braille Embosser
| |
8-859 | Informadon Retrieval Programs
| |
8-860 | Extensions To OS/8 BASIC
| |
8-861 | Mass Spectrometer Functions for OS/8 BASIC
| |
8-862 | COMPAF: Compare All Files Program
| |
8-863 | TECO Overlay
| |
8-864 | SNOBOL 8.2 Compiler
| |
8-865 | SNOBOL 8.2 Demonstration Programs
| |
8-866 | OS/8 Handler for Tektronix 4406-1 Graphic
Terminal As Console Device
| |
8-867 | Random Number Generator
| |
8-868 | MLDV: Muldplication and Division Subroutines
| |
8-869 | OS/8 Magtape Handler and Utility
| |
8-870 | Interrupt Bus Testing Program
| |
8-871 | U, A Program To Type Out CCL Recollections
| |
8-872 | Sykes 7100/7200 Programs to Read And Write
DEC Format Diskettes
| |
8-873 | RSTS Terminal Monitor On A PDP-8
| |
8-874 | Serial Input/Output Handlers For Interprocessor Communications
| |
8-875 | CRS80: 8080 Cross-Assembler
| |
8-876 | OS/8 System Device Handler For Sykes 7250 Floppy Disk
| |
8-877 | OS/8 Non-System Device Handler For Sykes 7250 Floppy Disk
| |
8-878 | VT-52 or VT-78 PATTERN GAME
| |
8-879 | MTFOTP: TM8E Magnetic Tape Package
| |
8-880 | RUNOFF V.6
| |
8-881 | COS 310 Compatible Floppy Disk Handler for OS/8
| |
8-882 | Bomb Drop Version: February 1978
| |
8-883 | Reentrant Subroutine Programming on a PDP-8 Version: March 1978
| |
8-884 | CHISQR: Chi-Square Test with Yate's Continuity Correction
| |
8-885 | LAB55, VT55 and Printer/Plotter Functions for
OS/8 BASIC, Version: February 1979
| |
8-886 | ADC: A General Purpose Analog to Digital Conversion System for processing Biological Data
| |
8-887 | FUTCCL: CCL V1F Modifications Version: 2, May 1978
| |
8-888 | TKPLOT, Version: B/C, July 1983
| |
8-889 | Adventure, Version: February 1979
| |
8-890 | LPTSPL: OS/8 "PRINT" Utility Package, Version: March 1979
| |
8-891 | Big Floppy Handlers, Version: A, May 1978
| |
8-892 | RK05 Utilities Version: April 1978
| |
8-893 | DECsystem-10 Communication and Utility Package Version: September 1978
| |
8-894 | Improved OS/8 LQP Handler, Version: I-D, July 1978
| |
8-895 | NUMBER: FORTRAN IV Plotter Routine Version: A, September 1978
| |
8-896 | RESEQ.PA Version: 1, June 1978
| |
8-897 | EDUSYSTEM-25 BASIC Patches Version: July 1978
| |
8-898 | DR8E Overlay for RT BASIC Version: 1, November 1978
| |
8-899 | TK4013: Tektronix 4013 Graphics Terminal Simulator with Hard Copy
| |
8-900 | SABX: SABR Assembler Modification Version: December 1978
| |
8-901 | AXIS.FS Version: December 1978
| |
8-902 | INFSTAT Version: December 1978
| |
8-903 | RF08 Simulation on RK8E, Version: December 1978
| |
8-904 | Line Printer Patch to use with FOCAL Version: June 1978
| |
8-905 | DEC-10 System Controller Version: 6.07, January 1979
| |
8-906 | Background Plotting for FORTRAN IV Version: February 1979
| |
8-907 | unknown
| |
8-908 | TELCOM: Telecommunications/Teleprocessing
| |
8-909 | unknown
| |
8-910 | unknown
| |
8-911 | unknown
| |
8-912 | unknown
| |
8-913 | TECO-8, Version: April 1979
| |
8-914 | unknown
| |
8-915 | PRINTR: A Text Utility for OS/8, Version:
3A and 4A, August 1981
| |
8-917 | WPS-8 to COS-310 File Conversion Utility,
Version: December 1979
| |
8-919 | OS/8 BASIC User Defined Functions for the
LQP78, Version: 1, December 1979
| |
8-921 | OS/8 VAX Handler, Version: B, August 1980
| |
8-922 | IKT-TUB FOCAL '81, Version: April 1981
| |
8-923 | FORTRAN IV Support for the Houston HI
PAD Digitizer, Version: October 1981
| |
8-924 | WVU Media Management Utilities Package,
Version: November 1981
| |
8-925 | WVU Sort-Merge Utilities, Version: November 1981
| |
8-926 | WPFLOP: WPS-8 to OS/78 File Conversion
Utility, Version: December 1981
| |
8-927 | SPLT55: Data Display/Plotting System for
BASIC/LAB 55, Version: March 1980
| |
8-928 | VAXCOM: PDP-8/VAX-11 Communications
Program, Version: March 1982
| |
8-929 | Random-Letter Generator, Version: March 1982
| |
8-930 | FOCAL Yahtzee, Version: June 1982
| |
8-931 | SPEAKR.BAS: A Vented-Box Speaker Enclosure Calculator,
Version: October 1982
| |
8-932 | COS-310 ISAM and Screen Handler,
Version: August 1982
| |
8-933 | Moedling PASCAL-S, Version: V2.0, March 1983
| |
8-934 | PASCAL - OS/8, Version: V1-0-F, February 1984
| |
8-935 | FODT: FORTRAN IV On-line Debugging Tool for OS/8
Version: V1, May 1984
| |
8-938 | VISTA EDITOR Version: June 1986
| |
8-939 | ICE TEXT EDITOR Version: June 1986
| |
8-941 | OS/78 Version 4.0, July 1988
| |
basic8-1 | MATHEMATICS-SET 1
| |
basic8-2 | MATHEMATICS-SET 2
| |
basic8-3 | MATHEMATICS-SET 3
| |
basic8-4 | PLOTTING-SET 1
| |
basic8-5 | PLOTTING - SET 2
| |
basic8-6 | PHYSICS-SET 1
| |
basic8-7 | PHYSICS-SET 2
| |
basic8-8 | CHEMISTRY-SET 1
| |
basic8-9 | CHEMISTRY-SET 2
| |
basic8-10 | BIOLOGY-SET I
| |
basic8-11 | EARTH SCIENCE-SET 1
| |
| |
| |
| |
basic8-15 | Business and Social Studies-SET 2
| |
basic8-16 | Games-SET 1
| |
basic8-17 | KRIEGSPIEL
| |
basic8-18 | POKER
| |
basic8-19 | Miscellaneous-SET 1
| |
basic8-20 | Games-SET 2
| |
basic8-21 | The Monopoly Game
| |
basic8-22 | Baseball
| |
basic8-23 | SIMCOM
| |
basic8-24 | TRAN
| |
basic8-25 | LABEL
| |
basic8-26 | LIB17: Package of Mathematical Routines
| |
basic8-27 | Multiple Choice Quiz
| |
basic8-28 | Mathematics-SET 4
| |
basic8-29 | Games-SET3
| |
basic8-30 | LIB12-Mathematical and Graphing Routines
| |
basic8-31 | Mathematics-Set 5
| |
basic8-32 | Mathematics-Set 6
| |
basic8-33 | SEQ; SAME; STAT1
| |
basic8-34 | Football Scouting Report Systems
| |
basic8-35 | XYPLOT; 3DGRAPH; PLOT-1
| |
basic8-36 | LODICE
| |
basic8-37 | Business and Social Studies-Set 3
| |
basic8-38 | USAGE
| |
basic8-39 | LILAC: Laband's Ingeneous Little Automatic Computer
| |
basic8-40 | Tutorial Exercises in Chemistry
| |
basic8-41 | OMSI30 BASIC
| |
| |
| |
basic8-44 | MATHEMATICS, SET 7
| |
basic8-45 | LIB9: Extended Precision Routines for BASIC
| |
| |
basic8-47 | FILE: Text Data File Program for TSS/8 BASIC-4
| |
basic8-48 | STF and STM: Stellar Formation and Stellar Model
| |
basic8-49 | GASSER
| |
basic8-50 | CSHHS BASIC-73
| |
basic8-51 | DISEDU: Loading EDUsystem-20 on the 4K Disk Monitor System
| |
basic8-52 | POSTER, SIGNS
| |
| |
| |
| |
basic8-56 | Laboratory and Display Instructions for OS/8 BASIC
| |
basic8-57 | NEEDIT, Symbolic Editor Program for NEOPAL
| |
basic8-58 | RESEQUENCE
| |
basic8-59 | STORM3
| |
| |
basic8-61 | Bowling League Tabulator
| |
basic8-62 | NANCY.BA
| |
basic8-63 | MAMII and MAMID
| |
basic8-64 | NAMES
| |
basic8-65 | Butler Area School District Computer Mathematics Series
| |
basic8-66 | CLILAC, LILAC Conversion
| |
basic8-67 | TSSTLK: BASIC Language Communications Package for the TSS/8
| |
basic8-68 | BASIC Storage
| |
basic8-69 | CHESS
| |
basic8-70 | PISTOL: Practically Imtantaneous Scheduling Typed On-Line
| |
basic8-71 | CALC
| |
basic8-72 | Great Circle Course and Distance
| |
basic8-73 | POSTER
| |
basic8-74 | PING-PONG
| |
basic8-75 | SINCOS: SIN and COS Functions Graphing Program
| |
basic8-76 | GAMES, Set 4
| |
basic8-77 | STREK-STAR TREK
| |
basic8-78 | INDY SOO Survival Tests
| |
basic8-79 | MIS1, MIS2
| |
basic8-80 | Geometry Routines, Prime Numbers, Bullon's Needle Theorem, Markov
| |
basic8-81 | JUMBLE; ONETWO
| |
basic8-82 | SADSAC
| |
basic8-83 | PLTPKG: Mathematical TTY Plotting Package
| |
basic8-84 | PLOTTY: A Program to Plot a Function On a Teletype
| |
basic8-85 | FOOTBALL
| |
basic8-86 | GAMES-SET 5
| |
basic8-87 | BSC12K: A Modification to 8K BASIC Extending the Number of Variables
| |
basic8-88 | BASIC8 Switch Register Function
| |
basic8-89 | Rational Roots of a Polynomial Equation
| |
basic8-90 | Math and Simulation Programs for Educational Use
| |
basic8-91 | BASIC8 Single Key Reader
| |
basic8-92 | Symbolic Editor Program
| |
basic8-93 | unknown
| |
basic8-94 | Scrambled Word Generator
| |
basic8-95 | MADMAZ Maze Generator
| |
basic8-96 | Paper Tape Message Generator
| |
basic8-97 | HOCKEY
| |
basic8-98 | Compass Deviation
| |
basic8-99 | unknown
| |
basic8-100 | Bowling Record Tabulator
| |
basic8-101 | Battle of Numbers
| |
basic8-102 | Collection of Math and Demonstration Programs
| |
basic8-103 | CARD: Simplified Machine Language Simulator
| |
basic8-104 | QCHESS: Quigley's Algebraic Chess Program
| |
basic8-105 | YORK1.BA: Two Error Unear Regression with Correlated Errors,
Version: December 1977
| |
basic8-106 | LAB 8 Evoked Potential Analysis Programs, Version: February 1978
| |
basic8-107 | Age Difference Probability Calculation, Version: February 1978
| |
focal8-1 | A Pseudo Random Number Generator for the PDP-8 for use
| |
focal8-2 | XOD Modification for use with FOCAL
| |
focal8-3 | DISK FOCAL
| |
focal8-4 | PRIME PLOTS
| |
focal8-5 | The Sumer Game
| |
focal8-6 | FOCAL-8 Patch for LINC-8 Display
| |
focal8-7 | STRIP FOCAL: Storage of Data Arrays in FOCAL
| |
focal8-8 | Magtape FOCAL
| |
focal8-9 | Hexapawn
| |
focal8-10 | Patch to FOCAL W for LINC-8 A-D Converter
| |
focal8-11 | EAE Routines for FOCAL
| |
focal8-12 | QUIP1 - Quick Plot in Quadrant l
| |
focal8-13 | 3D PLOTTER
| |
focal8-14 | Least Squares Fit to a Straight Line
| |
focal8-15 | Least Squares Fit to a Cubic Polynomial
| |
focal8-16 | One-Sample Statistics: Two-Sample Statistics: Welch
| |
focal8-17 | FOCAL: How to Write New Subroutines and Use Internal
| |
focal8-18 | T-ASK
| |
focal8-19 | Least Squares Fit to an Exponential
| |
focal8-20 | MULTIPULSE
| |
focal8-21 | MULTIPULSE-2
| |
focal8-22 | Monte Carlo Solution to Neutron Penetration Problem
| |
focal8-23 | Seismic Refraction Sloping Layer Program
| |
focal8-24 | GRADE: A Grade Averaging and Display Program
| |
focal8-25 | Payroll Calculations (California, 1968)
| |
focal8-26 | Curve Fitting
| |
focal8-27 | Δ - Y Complex; Y - Δ Complex; Series Resonant Circuit
| |
focal8-28 | Column Width; Traverse; Least Square "Linear Fit;" Nozzle
| |
focal8-29 | Second Order Differential Equation
| |
focal8-30 | One Line Routines; X3 and Circle; Superposition; Circle
| |
focal8-31 | Sines; Factors; Figure Eight; Right Triangle Solutions
| |
focal8-32 | Translation Table - French
| |
focal8-33 | Square Matrix Multiply; Prime Number Generator; Least
| |
focal8-34 | Simultaneous Eguations; Abbreviated Simultaneous Equations;
| |
focal8-35 | Rootfinder Program
| |
focal8-36 | Determinot Program
| |
focal8-37 | N-th Degree Polynomial Data Point Fitting Routine; N-th
| |
focal8-38 | Magic Square Generator
| |
focal8-39 | Rectangular to Polar Conversion; Polar to Rectangular
| |
focal8-40 | Simple Chi-Square Test
| |
focal8-41 | FRAN THE BARMAID
| |
focal8-42 | The Hangman Game
| |
focal8-43 | A Collection of FOCAL Patches
| |
focal8-44 | Magtape Analyser Using Universal I/O FOCAL
| |
focal8-45 | Universal I/O Handler for FOCAL
| |
focal8-46 | 4-Digit, 12-Bit Word Practice
| |
focal8-47 | Fourier Synthesis of a Square Wave
| |
focal8-48 | A FOCAL Program to Determine Low-Frequency Loudspeaker
| |
focal8-49 | Constantine's Function
| |
focal8-50 | FOCAL Version of RC Active Filter
| |
focal8-51 | FOCAL "WRITE" Patch
| |
focal8-52 | FOCAL, 5/69
| |
focal8-52a | FOCAL, 5/69
| |
focal8-53 | JMPFOCAL: FOCAL as a LINC-8 Subroutine
| |
focal8-54 | Channel Information and Inverted Histogram Plot
| |
focal8-55 | Multichannel Analyzer
| |
focal8-56 | Merchandise Price Tags
| |
focal8-57 | FOCAL Display on a 338
| |
focal8-58 | A Patch to FOCAL W to use the LINC-8 Display
| |
focal8-59 | FOCAL Overlay Common Area for 4K Core Memory
| |
focal8-60 | A System for Production of Problem Sets with Individualized
| |
focal8-61 | Least Square Fit to a Polynomial
| |
focal8-62 | The FOCAL TGH Clinical Package
| |
focal8-63 | CURFIT
| |
focal8-64 | Newton-Raphson Method for Determination of Polynomial
| |
focal8-65 | Kruskal-Wallis One Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks
| |
focal8-66 | "QUICK SCAN" Using Scheffe's Calculation
| |
focal8-67 | T-Test
| |
focal8-68 | Determination of Roots of a Polynomial
| |
focal8-69 | Analysis of Variance
| |
focal8-70 | Analysis of Variance Randomized Block "F" Test
| |
focal8-71a | FOCAL Golf Program for the PDP-8 (8K) Computer
| |
focal8-72 | General Least Squares Fit
| |
focal8-73 | Real Matrix Inversion
| |
focal8-74 | Linear Least Squares Fit
| |
focal8-75 | Blackjack
| |
focal8-76 | Screening Regression
| |
focal8-77 | MARX: A Grading Program
| |
focal8-78 | RACK-O
| |
focal8-79 | The Carnival Game
| |
focal8-80 | Using the High Speed Punch with FOCAL
| |
focal8-81 | FOCAL Lunar Landing Simulation (APOLLO)
| |
focal8-82 | Physical Sine Curve Programs
| |
focal8-83 | Gas Law Programs
| |
focal8-84 | 2D Plotter for Serial Experimental Data
| |
focal8-85 | Program Replication
| |
focal8-86 | KCF Temperature Conversion Table
| |
focal8-87 | Keyboard Readable Punch
| |
focal8-88 | Atomic and Molecular Transition Probabilities in FOCAL
| |
focal8-89 | The Recursive Evaluation of Functions
| |
focal8-90 | X-Y Plotter Patch for FOCAL '69
| |
focal8-91 | Multiplication of Rectangular Matrices
| |
focal8-92 | FOCAL Horserace for the PDP-8 (8K) Computer
| |
focal8-93 | Dose-Response Routine
| |
focal8-94 | Multidimensional Integration by Gaussian Quadrature
| |
focal8-95 | One-Armed Bandit
| |
focal8-96 | Statistics - Standard Deviation
| |
focal8-97 | Multiple Equation Graphing on a Teletype
| |
| |
focal8-99 | 3 Dimensional TIC TAC TOE (3X3X3)
| |
focal8-100 | Additions to FOCAL W
| |
focal8-101 | "HORSERACE"
| |
focal8-102 | Solution of Quadratic Equations with Complex Coefficients
| |
focal8-103 | TEACH
| |
focal8-104 | The Towers of Hanoi
| |
focal8-105a | LAB-8 Extended Functions for FOCAL (4K)
| |
focal8-105b | LAB-8 Extended Functions for FOCAL (8K)
| |
focal8-106 | FOCAL Traveling-Wave Sketches
| |
focal8-107 | NIM
| |
focal8-108 | Analysis of Variance for Two-Dimensional Material
| |
focal8-109 | Newton's Method of Approximating Real Roots of P(x)=0,
| |
focal8-110a | SWAP - FOCAL Disk Data Overlay
| |
focal8-111 | Battle of Numbers Game (Newberry College Version)
| |
focal8-112 | TIC-TAC-TOE (FOCAL)
| |
focal8-113 | Acid-Base Titration Curves
| |
focal8-114 | Liquid Scintillation Data Processing Program
| |
focal8-115 | Short Programs for Statistical Analysis Using FOCAL
| |
focal8-116 | KV8FT
| |
focal8-117 | ED-50
| |
focal8-118 | Three Mathematical Routines
| |
focal8-119 | CHEMS LAB 5
| |
focal8-120 | PFI - Product Form of the Inverse
| |
focal8-121 | Play Golf With Arnold Palmer
| |
focal8-122 | Charge Account
| |
focal8-123 | LOAD Command for FOCAL-1969
| |
focal8-124 | Analysis of Variance Package
| |
focal8-125a | Magtape Formatter for MTA Handler
| |
focal8-126 | PLOTTER
| |
focal8-127 | FOCAL-SLOT
| |
focal8-128 | Probability (2P); From t ("Student") Distribution
| |
focal8-129 | FOCAL Readable Punch
| |
focal8-130 | FLHSTO
| |
focal8-131 | ZAREA
| |
focal8-132 | CIG-8 MARK II
| |
focal8-133 | Withdrawn
| |
focal8-134 | 1-20 Counting Game
| |
focal8-135 | MODV - Choice
| |
focal8-136 | FOCAL - Amity
| |
focal8-137 | General Nth Order Regression
| |
focal8-138 | WCXT: The Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test for
| |
focal8-139 | Universal Input/Output for FOCAL
| |
focal8-140 | Withdrawn
| |
focal8-141 | Spanish Language FOCAL
| |
focal8-142 | Successive Powers of a Matrix
| |
focal8-143 | Repeated Matrix Multiplication
| |
focal8-144 | FOCALJ -- DECtape FOCAL-69
| |
focal8-145 | FOCAL for Disk and DECtape with Program Chaining
| |
focal8-146 | Zeller's Congruence/Day of the Week
| |
focal8-147 | Interaction Analysis
| |
focal8-148a | FOCL.S, An Expanded Language for Small Computers, Based
| |
focal8-148b | See FOCAL8-148A above
| |
focal8-149 | Checkers
| |
focal8-150 | FRANS
| |
focal8-151 | Fast Matrix Inversion for Real Numbers
| |
focal8-152 | Surface Plate Auto-Collimation
| |
focal8-153 | Two Overlays for FOCAL '69, FEXP-X-P and FLOG
| |
focal8-154 | 8K FOCAL Display
| |
focal8-155 | FACTORS
| |
focal8-156 | Blackjack for FOCAL
| |
focal8-157 | Modifications to TSS/8 FOCAL
| |
focal8-158 | Mileage Program
| |
focal8-159a | Computer Programs in Use in the Water Qualities Division,
| |
focal8-159b | Computer Programs in Use in the Water Qualities Division,
| |
focal8-159c | Computer Programs in Use in the Water Quality Division,
| |
focal8-160 | Non-Parametrics: The Mann-Whitney U Test and the
| |
focal8-161 | Wilmot Grading Program
| |
focal8-162 | Transistor H-Parameter Conversions
| |
focal8-163 | Erlang C Blocking Probability Programs
| |
focal8-164 | Four New Functions for FOCAL 5/69
| |
focal8-165 | F-(Variance Ratio) Distribution Probability
| |
focal8-166 | First and Second Order Partial Correlations
| |
focal8-167 | Five Statistical Programs for the PDP-8 or PDP-12
| |
focal8-168 | One-Armed Bandit - PDP-8 Style
| |
focal8-169 | FOCAL Version of the GE Basic Artillery Game
| |
focal8-170 | Saint Peter's College Statistical Package
| |
focal8-171 | Minnesota Sociology Statistics Programs
| |
focal8-172 | XPON
| |
focal8-173 | APOLLO 11
| |
focal8-174 | SYNDIV 5
| |
focal8-175 | Modifications and Supplement to FOCAL8-50
| |
focal8-176 | Program for Producing Histograms from Clinical Data on
| |
focal8-177 | PS/8 FOCAL, 1971
| |
focal8-178 | Motion Picture Package
| |
focal8-179 | Depth of Field Program for Still Camera Lenses
| |
focal8-180 | FOCAL-SORT
| |
focal8-181 | Filter Design
| |
focal8-182 | First Order Differential Equation: Initial Value Problem
| |
focal8-183 | DARTS
| |
focal8-184 | Manpower
| |
focal8-185 | LIFE
| |
focal8-186 | SUMER (French)
| |
focal8-187 | Display FOCAL
| |
focal8-188 | Generating Random Numbers with FOCAL
| |
focal8-189 | 8K Overlay Patch for FOCAL5/69 (DECUS NO. FOCAL8-52)
| |
focal8-190 | Patch to Add LABEL Feature to FOCAL 5/69 (DECUS NO.
| |
focal8-191 | Reverse Overlay for FOCAL, 1969
| |
focal8-192 | Echo Change for FOCAL, 1969
| |
focal8-193 | Anova, 2-way, Unsymmetrical
| |
focal8-194 | Rectangular to Polar Coordination (German)
| |
focal8-195 | All Purpose Graphing Program
| |
focal8-196 | Fisher's Exact Test
| |
focal8-197 | Self-Teaching Program for FOCAL
| |
focal8-198 | Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
| |
focal8-199 | Stock Market Game
| |
focal8-200 | SIMEQR - 20 Simultaneous Equations in 8K FOCAL
| |
focal8-201 | FOCAL Patch for Function FP, Mod 4B
| |
focal8-202 | Code Generator
| |
focal8-203 | Graph Sketching
| |
focal8-204 | Acid-Base Equilibria
| |
focal8-205 | Random Walk/Array
| |
focal8-206 | FOCAL Generates Binary Patches
| |
focal8-207 | EAI/ASCII Converter and 'SLO-SYN' NC Program and
| |
focal8-208 | A Normally Distributed Random Number Generator in FOCAL
| |
focal8-209 | GRFIT, A Simple Least Squares Routine
| |
focal8-210 | CHAIN and FCOM
| |
focal8-211 | WEST-KY Four-User FOCAL
| |
focal8-212 | Automated Terminal Usage Accounting for Four-User FOCAL
| |
focal8-213 | FOCAL Random Number Generator
| |
focal8-214 | FDSK, An Overlay for FOCAL to Read Data - Or Program Files
| |
focal8-215 | FOCAL 1969 Octyl Loader
| |
focal8-216 | FARRAY, A FOCAL FNEW for Two Dimensional Arrays in 8K
| |
focal8-217 | Hamming Algorithm to Solve Two Coupled Ordinary First Order
| |
focal8-218 | FOCAL Overlay CHAIN
| |
focal8-219 | Keyboard Controlled High Speed Punch Routine for FOCAL
| |
focal8-220 | Individual Tablet Assay
| |
focal8-221 | LSQ Stern-Volmer: Least Squares Treatment of the General
| |
focal8-222 | Center of Gravity Calculations
| |
focal8-223 | FOCLX, 1972
| |
focal8-224 | SPASTIC - A System for Programming Angles, Scaler and
| |
focal8-225 | Loan Amortization Schedule
| |
focal8-226 | Frequency Transformation Program
| |
focal8-227a | FOCL/F - An Extended Version of 8K FOCAL/69
| |
focal8-228 | Great Circle Distance Between 2 Points
| |
focal8-229 | H-800 Wiring Diagrams
| |
focal8-230 | CALCOMP Plotter FNEW PLOTX
| |
focal8-231 | Extended Precision Sine and Cosine for 4-word FOCAL
| |
focal8-232 | Roots by Inverse Interpolation
| |
focal8-233 | A FOCAL-Correlation Program for the LAB-B System
| |
focal8-234 | Action Indicator Calculator
| |
focal8-235 | MPS Radiation Pattern Program
| |
focal8-236 | Polynomial Curve Fitting (Streamlined Programs)
| |
focal8-237 | Bond Computations
| |
focal8-238 | Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
| |
focal8-239 | DIV - Program for Division
| |
focal8-240 | Science Fiction Quiz
| |
focal8-241 | Satellite Orbital Parameters
| |
focal8-242 | Solution of Linear Equation Systems with Symmetrically Matrix
| |
focal8-243 | Analysis of Variance for One-Two-and Three-Treatment
| |
focal8-244 | HANGMAN IV
| |
focal8-245 | Executive and Utility Routines for FOCLX, 1972
| |
focal8-246 | Undefeatable FOCAL TIC-TAC-TOE
| |
focal8-247 | FNEWS Overlay to Use High Speed Punch with FOCAL
| |
focal8-248 | FOCTXT - Text Input-Output Patch to FOCAL-1969
| |
focal8-249 | Payroll Listings and Totals
| |
focal8-250 | Six Curves - GMS037
| |
focal8-251 | "WORD" - Character Generation Using FOCAL's FDIS
| |
focal8-252 | 12K Overlay for FOCAL
| |
focal8-253 | Solution to Any Equation Involving One Variable
| |
focal8-254 | Patch to Allow Computed Line Numbers in FOCAL, 1969
| |
focal8-255 | Repeating Decimal
| |
focal8-256 | OPTION$
| |
| |
focal8-258 | Hearing Loss Simulator
| |
focal8-259 | High Speed Punch, High Speed Write, and FRAN Overlays
| |
focal8-260 | Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
| |
focal8-261 | Chi Square Utility Package, CHISQR
| |
focal8-262 | Protein Binding: PROBON I - Fraction Bound, PROBON 2 -
| |
focal8-263 | ROOTS, A Polynomial Root Finder
| |
focal8-264 | MEMORY, A Children's Game
| |
focal8-265 | LISTAL
| |
focal8-266 | STATPACK, An Interactive Statistical Package
| |
focal8-267 | BLACKJACK for FOCAL, 1969
| |
focal8-268 | FX Function for Random Access Files
| |
focal8-269 | 4K FOCAL '69 Speed-Up Patches
| |
focal8-270 | MONOPOLY
| |
focal8-271 | Modification of FOCL/F for Data Acquisition and Control
| |
focal8-272 | Punched Paper Tape Generator With FOCAL,
Randomization Using FOCAL (1969)
| |
focal8-273 | The Phi Phenomenon FOCAL
| |
focal8-274 | FOCAL 5/69 Input Buffer Patch FOCAL
| |
focal8-275 | Teletype Histogram and Statistical Analysis of FOCAL
Data Set Extended and Corrected by Teletype
| |
focal8-276 | The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two Sample Two-Tailed Test
for Large Samples of Non-Parametric Data
| |
focal8-277a | Newton Binomial FOCAL
| |
focal8-278 | A FOCAL-8 Program for Fitting the Equation
C = A(l - e
| |
focal8-279 | MUSECL MUSI6 FOCAL
| |
focal8-280 | Improved Multiply Loop for FOCAL FOCAL
| |
focal8-281 | French Language FOCAL 5/69 FOCAL
| |
focal8-282 | CONVRT: Dollars to Deutsch Marks and Deutsch Marks to Dollars
| |
focal8-283 | Improved EAE Routine for FOCAL FOCAL
| |
focal8-284 | 8/E EAE Routine for FOCAL FOCAL
| |
focal8-285 | Online Graph-With Self Determining Scale Factor
| |
focal8-286 | Arithmetic Practice FOCAL
| |
focal8-287 | CC-FOCAL-Q FOCAL
| |
focal8-288 | FSPACE: Space Command for FOCAL '69 FOCAL
| |
focal8-289 | TTY PUN: FOCAL Patch to Punch Data on
Paper Tape in Format Compatible with the
TTY Intercom Terminal to CDC6000 Computer Series
| |
focal8-290 | Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Normality FOCAL
| |
focal8-291 | DRANO FOCAL
| |
focal8-292 | unknown
| |
focal8-293 | A Laboratory and Real Time Patch With FNEW 5/69
| |
focal8-294 | Real Time FOCAL on the PDP-8 Computer FOCAL
| |
focal8-295 | ATTND: Monthly Attendance Reporting Module FOCAL
| |
focal8-296 | FOCALINUS: Molecular Geometry Calculator FOCAL
| |
focal8-297 | LUNGS: A System of Programs for the
Calculation of Selected Cardiorespiratory Parameters
| |
focal8-298 | Critical Points of a P{x) of Degree N (Real Coefficients)
| |
focal8-299 | FOPAY: Weeldy Payroll Deductions and Computatlons
| |
focal8-300 | Computer Bowl FOCAL
| |
focal8-301 | U/W FOCAL FOCAL
| |
focal8-302 | XSTOCK: Stockmarket Simulation Game FOCAL
| |
focal8-303 | STKMKT: Stock Market Game FOCAL
| |
focal8-304 | TIC-TAC-TOE FOCAL
| |
focal8-305 | RUBEN FOCAL
| |
focal8-306 | BASEBALL FOCAL
| |
focal8-307 | Casino, Demos, Bombing Mission, Dougle Hangman
| |
focal8-308 | Fisher's F, Student's t and Chi Squared Distributions
| |
focal8-309 | DBCONV: Decimal-Binary Converter FOCAL
| |
focal8-310 | Overlay for KV8I-OMSI FOCAL 1971 FOCAL
| |
focal8-311 | SIXPAC
| |
focal8-312 | CVFCPfG (Centronics Vertical Format Control
Paper Tape Generator)
| |
focal8-313 | EAE Patches to FOCAL FOCAL
| |
focal8-314 | Y-Value Calculations FOCAL
| |
focal8-315 | YORK2: Two Error Linear Regression with Correlated Errors
| |
focal8-316 | BANCPO: Bank Portfolio Simulation FOCAL
| |
focal8-317 | UFO-24: A Dynamics Simulation Game FOCAL
| |
focal8-318 | ACTIV1: Irradiation Time Calculation for a
Desired Radioisotope Activity
| |
focal8-319 | FOCLAB: A Language for Computer Controlled Psychology
| |
focal8-320 | WALLIS and INTCAL FOCAL
| |
focal8-321 | Probit Analysis FOCAL
| |
focal8-322 | VDW: Van Der Waal's Equation of State FOCAL
| |
focal8-323 | IDES: Transformer Design FOCAL
| |
focal8-324 | PCOL: Pipe Column Selection FOCAL
| |
| |
focal8-326 | LCRU: LC Resonance with Units FOCAL
| |
focal8-327 | DEWP: Pressure Dewpoints FOCAL
| |
focal8-328 | CONVM: Interconversion of Mass and Volume Units
| |
focal8-329 | FOCAL Generates Binary Patches and Disassembles Binary Tapes
| |
focal8-330 | SIMPLE: The Simplex Method to Fit Equations to Data
| |
focal8-331 | Knight's Tour FOCAL
| |
focal8-332 | FOCAL 5/69 with Ancillary Programs FOCAL
| |
focal8-333 | Radioisotopes Production Problems FOCAL
| |
focal8-334 | FXU12: A Machine-Code "Execute" Function
Overlay to U/W-FOCAL
| |
focal8-335 | TFOCAL: A 4K Tape FOCAL FOCAL
| |
focal8-336 | UWCIG FOCAL
| |
focal8-337 | Xth Root of Y FOCAL
| |
focal8-338 | Hybrid Operation in FOCAL for EAL580 PDP-8/e System
| |
focal8-339 | Evaluation of Double Integrals FOCAL
| |
focal8-340 | MICFCC: Microsphere Flow Correction and Calculation Program
| |
focal8-341 | ASCII TO E.I.A. Conversions, September 1978
| |
focal8-342 | HYFOC.P: A Process Control Language based on FOCL.S, November 1977
| |
12-1 | EEG Data Collection (BNI Series)
| |
12-2 | PDP-12 Utility and Data Reduction Programs
| |
12-3 | Obsolete
| |
12-4 | IRDA
| |
| |
12-6 | ANDIP - Analog Digital Interchange Pragram
| |
12-7 | DBLFLT - Double Float Mathematical Routines
| |
12-8 | Teletype Conversion Routines
| |
| |
12-10 | FOCAL Library (LINCtape FOCAL for the PDP-12)
| |
12-11 | ODTAPE (Octal Debugging for the PDP-12 LINCtape)
| |
12-12 | 8TO12 File Converter
| |
12-13 | RDPEC: PEC Synchronous Tape Read Program
| |
12-14 | MUL-2REG
| |
12-15 | HISTO12
| |
12-16 | MODCLK
| |
12-17 | DIALRF08
| |
12-18 | "FAILSAFE"
| |
12-19 | DIBOL-12 (PDP-12 Addendum for DIBOL II System User's
| |
12-20 | FORMATXT
| |
12-21 | Modified MAGSPY
| |
12-22 | PLOTFFT
| |
12-23 | CFFT
| |
12-24 | Overlays to FOCAL-12
| |
12-25 | Three Subroutines for QANDA - FRACUS, SCRMBL, QANDA-C
| |
12-26 | DATAFILE
| |
12-27 | LOADBIN
| |
12-28 | DXCREATE
| |
12-29 | LINC-10
| |
12-30 | TDUMP
| |
12-31 | DCON-10
| |
12-32 | COMPAR12
| |
12-33 | KWANDA
| |
12-34 | STAP-12
| |
12-35 | Bioelectric Signal Sorter (JULIA)
| |
12-36 | Hangman for PDP-12
| |
12-37 | ODCAD (Octal to Decimal Conversion and Display)
| |
12-38a | Histogram and One-Factor Analysis of Variance
| |
12-38b | Histogram and Two-Factor Analysis of Variance
| |
12-39 | QUANAT 1
| |
12-40 | PDP-8 Disk Monitor - LAP6-DIAL Interface
| |
12-41 | BLOOPD - Blood Pressure Display Program
| |
12-42 | CALCO 12
| |
12-43 | PLOT3D
| |
12-44 | AVERDT
| |
| |
12-46 | STRINGS
| |
12-47 | PIP-1600
| |
12-48 | PS/8 FORTRAN Library Routines
| |
12-49 | Cold Start DF32 Disk Formatter for PS/8 on a PDP-12
| |
12-50 | EDIT-12
| |
12-51 | MAGSPYD
| |
12-52 | Student Test Analysis
| |
12-53 | Liquid Scintillation Counting: Conversion of CPM to DPM in
| |
12-54 | QUIP - Quick Assembler for the PDP-12
| |
12-55 | FFAESIM
| |
12-56 | QANDA+ - Modified QANDA Subroutine
| |
12-57 | SPY+ - Modified MAGSPY
| |
12-58 | FIFOCON
| |
12-59 | FOCPLOT
| |
12-60 | SUMER (French)
| |
12-61 | Generating Random Numbers with FOCAL
| |
12-62 | RUFUS
| |
12-63 | OLFFT1 and FETCHFFT (See also DECUS NO. 12-144)
| |
12-64 | Walsh Transform Subroutines, PWALSH and LWALSH
| |
12-65 | PISH- Poststimulus Time and Interspike - Interval Histogram
| |
12-66 | ADDINDX (LAP6-DIAL-MS Index Manipulator)
| |
12-67 | PPG FOCAL
| |
12-68 | A PDP-8 Floating Point Software Package Simulator Using a
| |
12-69 | An On-Line FOCAL-12 Program for Auto-Analyzers
| |
12-70 | COMPLT
| |
12-71 | Snoopy Display Program
| |
12-72 | Four-Point Smoothing With FPP-12
| |
12-73 | 8-Point Quadratic Smooth With FPP-12
| |
12-74 | *REGRES - Multiple Linear Regression
| |
12-75 | FORTRAN Subroutines for the PDP-12
| |
| |
12-77 | PAL12A Assembler
| |
12-78 | PUBPLOT
| |
12-79 | Modified ADTAPE
| |
12-80 | FOCAL-RT
| |
| |
| |
| |
12-84 | AVERAGER
| |
12-85 | APOLLO 12
| |
12-86 | ORGAN-AA and ORGAN+BA
| |
| |
12-88 | OCTALFPP
| |
12-89 | BUTFLTR
| |
12-90 | REPRSNT
| |
12-91 | OCTPUNCH
| |
12-92 | PDP8TO12
| |
12-93 | TRANS
| |
12-94 | DATAN
| |
12-95 | PDP-12 PS/8 Utility Programs
| |
12-96a,b | SCOPE and CNGMWA
| |
12-97 | An Off-Line FOCAL-12 Program for Auto-Analyzer by TWX
| |
12-98 | HERALD - Analog-Digital Average and Standard Error Program
| |
12-99 | A Set of Spectral ngrams
| |
12-100 | MEMO III - A Text Formatting Program
| |
12-101 | OS/8 SKED
| |
12-102 | A Manual for the PDP-12 Operator
| |
12-103 | $HAPPY
| |
12-104 | CORDATFP
| |
| |
12-106 | $PLOT
| |
| |
12-108 | FPPNEW - Replacing the DIAL-MS-Assembler by an improved
Version of the FPP Assembler
| |
| |
12-110 | DIAL-MS for 1600 Blocks
| |
12-111a | Harry Bryant, Moss Rehabilitation Hospital,
| |
12-112 | IDXRDD
| |
12-113 | IDXWT
| |
12-114 | FOCAL-PL
| |
12-115 | PLOT3D, Pseudo 3-Dimensional Perspective Display for the
| |
12-116 | FPP-12/FOCAL-12 Reduction of Auto Analyzer Data for
| |
| |
12-118 | Average Transient Advanced Programs
| |
12-119 | Neuron Spike Train Analysis Programs
| |
12-120 | DUAL Assembler
| |
12-121 | Arrhythmia Detection and Categorization
| |
12-122 | PDP-12 User's Monitor Command
| |
12-123a | OS/8 VR12 Handler
| |
12-124 | FR, FDIS and FADC for PDP-12 Input/Output
| |
12-125 | Waveform Analysis
| |
12-126 | WAVEFORM: Evoked Potential Analysis
| |
12-127 | Withdrawn
| |
12-128 | GEP: A Generalized Experimental Package
| |
12-129 | OS/12S Scope Monitor Operating System
| |
12-130 | COMPARE - Fast LINCtape Compare
| |
12-131 | OS/8 DIBILD - Revised
| |
12-132 | LISP 1.5 Interpreter for PDP-8 with OS/8 (PS/8), OS/12
| |
12-133 | MINT - Multiple Precision Integer Arithmetic Subroutine
| |
12-134 | RWDF32
| |
| |
12-136 | MOVE
| |
12-137 | PAL12D
| |
12-138 | ISEL
| |
12-139 | BURST Analysis Package
| |
12-140 | NAEP - Nerve Action and Evoked Potentials
| |
12-141 | $CORREL - Intercorrelation Program for 50 Variables
| |
12-142 | FOCALSD
| |
12-143 | DSLIS - Dead Start Loader and Index Statistics
| |
12-144 | ANECDOTE- Advanced NeuroElectric Computer Data
Operational Tape (Export)
| |
12-145a | CREFNMAP
| |
12-146 | $CORR. (FOCAL Version)
| |
12-147 | *BLIPFUN - Computation of Bandlimited Periodic Functions
and their Hilbert Transforms from Samples
| |
12-148 | STATIS12, A Statistical Package for the PDP-12
| |
12-149 | XPIP8: PDP-12 DECtape PIP
| |
12-150 | XPIP10: PDP-10 DECtape to LINCtape Converter
| |
12-151 | "PSYCHO", A PDP-12 Programming System for Control of
| |
12-152 | LOAD31K, A Loader for DIAL-MS and 32K of Core
| |
12-153a | DUAL32, DUAL-28K Assembler
| |
12-154a | CREF32
| |
12-155 | MARK12X0
| |
12-156 | MUSIC12
| |
12-157 | PLOTVS, Device Independent Graphics
| |
12-158 | FASTCOPY, A Fast LINCtape Copier for 4K PDP-12's
| |
12-159 | PLAYBOY
| |
12-160 | CCTGEN - Carriage Control Tape Generator
| |
12-161 | BIGCHARS
| |
12-162 | COREDIT
| |
12-163 | AD74 - High Speed Analog to Digital Conversion Program
| |
12-164 | DIAL. EXT
| |
12-165 | NAP SYS: Program to Analyze Neuronal Spike Data
| |
12-166 | OS8-VC12 Display Device Handler for the PDP-12
| |
12-167 | FOCAL Patches
| |
12-168 | Spectral Analysis System
| |
12-169 | HIST PLOT: A Versatile Program for Cross Correlation of Point Process Data on a PDP-12
| |
12-170 | INPUT, STAT, DIST: A Statistical Analysis Package for the PDP-8 or PDP-12
| |
12-171 | Three Patches to the Clinical Lab-12 System
| |
12-172 | WVU Utility Package
| |
| |
12-174 | CLOCK: Digital Clock with Westminster Chimes
| |
12-175 | PLOTZER
| |
12-176 | FOCAL-12 Overlay to Access the DF 32 Disk
| |
12-177 | TENNIS
| |
12-178 | NUFOCAL, Modified FOCAL-12
| |
12-179 | The Mann-Whitney U Test
| |
12-180 | CARDDIAL - Input to the DIAL Editor Via Cards
| |
12-181 | ATSXL - Text Display and Timing Routine for FOCAL-RT
| |
12-182 | KLK - A Simple Clock Overlay for PDP-12 FOCAL
| |
12-183 | DECIO - FOCAL-12 Whole Word Digital I/O Overlay
| |
12-184 | PPSH - Neuronal Autocorrelation and Crosscorrelation
Analysis Programs (Pre-Post Stimulus Histogram)
| |
12-185 | Horoscope Casting Routines - Astrodynamical Subroutines
| |
12-186 | COBRA Assembler for the PDP-12
| |
12-187 | OS/8 Device Handlers for PDP-12 Core
| |
| |
12-189 | DECtape Reader Handler for PDP-12
| |
12-190 | PDP-12 Functions for OS/8 BASIC
| |
L-1.1 | MSCPNT: Manuscript Compressed Print
| |
L-2.1 | "Clock 1" for LINC and "Clock 8" for LINC-8
| |
L-3 | Off-Line LABCOM (Laboratory Aided By COMputer) System
| |
L-4.1 | IN HISTO
| |
L-5 | Tape Subroutine
| |
| |
L-7 | Modifications to PROGOFOP, Version 2
| |
L-8 | DECtape Interface for LINC-8
| |
L-9a | LINC-CalComp Plot Subroutine Package (LAP5)
| |
L-10 | LINC-8 Multianalyzer
(Adapted to the LINC-8 from the Pulse Height Analysis
Program - J-5260)
| |
L-11 | DATUM8
Richard W. Young
| |
| |
| |
L-14 | MEAN
| |
L-15.1 | LEAP-1
| |
| |
L-17 | LOAD - Extended Load Sequence for LINC-8
| |
L-18 | BUFFER - Fully Buffered Teletype I/O
| |
L-19 | LABELS for LINC-8
| |
L-20 | MONTOR - A Monitor for Automatic Sequential Operation
of Programs on the LINC-8
| |
L-21 | LINC-TRAN: FORTRAN Macros for the LINC-8
| |
L-22 | A New PDP-8 Display Instruction for LINC-8
| |
L-23 | Control to Designate Left or Right LINC-8 Tape Transport as Unit Zero
| |
L-24 | PLTKBD: Plot Keyboard
| |
L-25 | LINC Spectrum Program
| |
L-26 | RELTS8-1C (LINC-8 Only)
| |
L-27 | Q & A Subroutine (Modification for LAP6 Characters)
| |
L-28 | TEXT TTY Subroutines
| |
L-29 | DEC-BI
| |
L-30 | LAP6-1C (Modification to LAP6)
| |
L-31 | SNAP: Simplified Numerical Analysis Program for the
LINC -8 (with and without EAE)
| |
L-32 | XMARK
| |
L-33 | On-line LABCOM System {Version IV)
| |
| |
L-35a | DF.INOUT
| |
L-35b | I-O TAGS
| |
| |
L-37 | BINLAP6
| |
| |
| |
| |
L-41 | COMPARE LINCtape Blocks
| |
L-42 | Using the Teletype with the LINC-8
| |
L-43 | LAP6-1H Using High-Speed Punch for LINC-8
| |
| |
| |
L-46 | SERINDEX: Search LAP6 Index
| |
L-47 | OCTBIN: Octal-to-Binary Conversion
| |
L-48 | DECBIN: Decimal-to-Binary Conversion
| |
L-49 | BINOCT: Binary-to-Octal Conversion
| |
L-50 | BINDEC: Binary-to-Decimal Conversion
| |
L-51 | TAGSWAP: Change Manuscript Tags
| |
| |
L-53 | FIND 1
| |
L-54 | LES
| |
| |
| |
L-57 | Obsolete
| |
L-58 | LOGS
| |
L-59 | INDEX L4
| |
L-60 | FORTRAN with LINCtape
| |
L-61 | Alternative Binary Loader for LINC-8 Library
| |
| |
| |
L-64 | A Pseudo Random Number Generator for the LINC-8
| |
| |
L-66 | LAP6DlSP
| |
| |
L-68 | DBLFLT 2: A Multibank Configuration of DBLFLT
| |
Last updated on 01/1/25 02:21 |