PDP-8/A Computers

I have two or three PDP-8/A computers (depending on how you count my spares).

Here's a picture of the first one:

My first PDP-8/A, purchased from a fellow in Kansas.

I don't really know how extensive the problem here is. I know it didn't work when I tried it, but the problem could be as simple as not getting the front panel hooked up right (I hear it's really easy to reverse the DIP connector), or something more complicated could be wrong with it.

Also in this rack (above the CPU) are my RX02 floppy drives, which work :-).

Below the CPU, I have a couple of RL02 drives, which I hope someday to rack properly and connect to the 8/A with my RL8A controller.

I also have a second one, formerly a Kerney and Treker CNC controller:

Another PDP-8/A, previously a CNC controller.

This one is mostly working, though all my programmer's panels are currently a little flaky.

I also have enough spares to form a third one...

My PDP-8/A spares, mostly from eBay.

This is my pile of 8/A spares, which has now exceeded the necessary parts to build another. There is one problem, though. The chassis is a 50Hz model, so that would need to get reworked for the thing to actually work, at least here in the states. One thing cool about this is that I have the 128K memory option. (The 8/A is the only model that can support more than 32K of memory.)

I also have spent some time and energy with a friend, to come up with a KC8A programmer's panel clone for the 8/A.

Last updated on 02/25/23 02:21
