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Eagle Notes
Some notes about the Eagle drawings:
The downside of course, is that I'd have to buy fairly expensive Eagle upgrade licenses to move the authoring to Eagle 6. For now, I'm still using 4.11, but you can download the free version of Eagle 6.x and load up the schematics to view them (you can even re-save them locally if you want in the new XML format).
Components are normally aligned on a 0.05" grid with a multiple of 2, which is to say that you can position things at 0.05" multiples, but the visible grid will be 0.1" (I use a dot grid).
There are two net classes in most of the boards. The default nets are routed with 16mil traces, and the "Power" nets are routed with 32mil traces. Most of the routing is done by hand, to approximate DEC's routing. Vias should be round, with a 32mil drill diameter.
The file 16mils.dru should be used to force round pads and enforce clearance and other design rules.
Small capacitors are usually "C-US050-025x075" (bypass ceramic) or "C-US075-032x103" (mylar), depending on the desired through-hole spacing. Electrolytics are often "CPOL-USE15-5Axial". As usual, don't forget to set the values!
Transistors are typically in a TO-39 case, which puts the pads on the grid and spaced approximately the correct distance apart. "2N3637" and "2N2102" work nicely, but don't forget to set the value to match the EIA equivalent of the DEC part number.
Jumpers can be done as "0 ohm" resistors, but then they clutter the schematic, so generally jumpers are a pair of vias and a 0.4" segment in the top layer. (For double-sided boards, a 0 ohm resistor may be required.)
The library dec-con.lbr also contains parts which are used in DEC boards, for which there is no similar part in the standard Eagle libraries.
Boards intended as "replica" versions must not have these substitutions. Instead, the EIA equivalent (where known) of the DEC part should be used. (If no EIA equivalent is known, just use the DEC part number.)
The PDF of a revision's schematic should have ".pdf" appended to the revision name.
Images of a board etch revision should have "front.jpg" and "back.jpg" appended to the revision name.
Datasheets and such should have "-ds.pdf" or "-ds2.pdf" appended to the revision name.
Modules for which I have an example should have a ".xpl" file for the particular revision name. Likewise, modules I am looking for should have a ".wtb" file, and modules I have an excess of should have a ".wts" file.
Last updated on 02/25/23 02:20 |