ASR33 Teletypes

I have two ASR33 teletypes.

Here's a picture of the first one:

My first ASR33.

It's in pretty rough shape cosmetically, but it mostly works. After running for a while, one of the connecting bars tends to shake loose and needs to be re-installed, so presumably the parts are worn.

I also have a second unit:

My second ASR-33.

This one is much nicer cosmetically, but I haven't made the time to try it out yet.

I've also been working a bit on the 4915 "reader run" cards to go in these:

4915 card, top view.

4915 card, bottom view.

4915 card, installed.

I've located a source for the relays (and acquired 10 of them), but I'm having trouble sourcing the varactors (I have 4, so far). I have drawn CAD drawings for the board, which is quite simple. (My thought is to eventually manufacture a dozen or so of the boards.)

Last updated on 02/25/23 02:21
